social media

May 15, 2013


Exploring Social Media with Caution

Today, we have never been so connected and accessible.  Information has never been that easy to get.  And we’ve never been spoiled with so many updates. I used to remember sending snail mails (from Manila) to my grandma who was living in the U.S. back then.  That took a lot of time.  I remember my f…

May 13, 2013


Cisco Women and TechGirlsUK

A Twitter success story Theresa Russell teaches Computing to teenagers in Lancashire, England.  We found each other on Twitter.  I was looking to better understand the newest trends in #EdTech.  She needed a female mentor for an international competition she had talked five students into joining.  W…

May 10, 2013


The Rolling Stones and Social Media

Live music is a very social experience. And, social media enables concerts to be experienced outside of the four walls of the concert hall. I went to see the Rolling Stones in San Jose earlier this week. “How was the concert?” people asked me. My Response: “The most rocking concert…

April 22, 2013


5 Tips to Becoming a “Savvy” Social Media Marketer

Where do you go to find social media tips, statistics, trends, and best practices? I recently attended the Social Media for Savvy Marketers event hosted by Cisco featuring speakers from Twitter, SAP, Adobe, BuzzFeed,, Percolate, and more. The two-day event brought candid conversations…

April 15, 2013


3 Practical Tips for the Social Media for Savvy Marketers Event at Cisco #CiscoSMT #SocialSavvy

We’re counting down the days until the Social Media for Savvy Marketers event on April 18 and 19 at the Cisco Headquarters in San Jose and online. As I’m writing this post, we’re doing audio and visual checks and working out the final details. Personally, I’m super excited about Cisco hosting this e…

April 5, 2013


Getting the Insiders’ View of Social Media

Did you happen to catch the Let’s Chat! #ciscosmt Social Media Training Series executive panel USTREAM broadcast on Wednesday April 3rd? It was the first installment of an ongoing series we will provide through regular Twitter chats and occasional video chats. Side Note: In between Wednesday’s execu…

April 4, 2013


Top 10 Tips for Executive Social Media

Navigating social media can be an intimidating challenge for many people, but particularly for company executives who may not be naturally inclined to communicate using social channels or have the time to learn how to use them. My own experience with social media has evolved – initially by watching…

March 28, 2013


5 Steps To Becoming a Social Media Master!

People are becoming more media savvy than ever before. The advent of social media has resulting in people consuming and sharing more information. A by-product of this is that people have becoming adept at ignoring traditional marketing and advertising and better at spotting marketing content trying…

March 26, 2013


Getting the Executive Social Media View

Since launching our internal executive social media mentoring program, it’s been really eye-opening to get a close up view of their perceptions around using this channel, their goals, and overall interests. We read and hear about different statistics all the time, telling us that executive participa…