Powerful Combination: Employees and Social Media
I keep thinking about the phrase “power to the people” and thinking it’s definitely taken a whole new meaning when it comes to engaging employees in social media. During today’s Let’s Chat! #Ciscosmt Twitter chat with Cisco’s Petra Neiger (@Petra1400) and’s Jennifer Burnham (@JennyDBu…
What the British royals are teaching the rest of us about social: What companies can learn to do
Social media is quickly becoming ubiquitous in our lives — not only giving us news on our friends, but news of the day. We found out all about the recent birth of the newest heir to the British throne on social. The royal baby is merely two weeks old and already doing a lot to bring the Britis…
Creating Meaningful Events with Social Media
The ins and outs of how to use social media effectively for on- and offline events can be overwhelming. What technologies do we use…how do we integrate social media, mobile, physical and virtual environments…and how do we make it a meaningful experience for participants? It’s a lot to think about be…
Using Social Media to Create ‘The Event’
As final preparations are underway for the July 31st (9am PT) Let’s Chat! #Ciscosmt Training Series USTREAM broadcast, let’s get the conversation going early! Are there certain social media examples used for on- and offline events that stick out in your mind? What made them great or perhaps ideas to…
Social Media’s Impact on On- and Offline Events
How do you turn social media on its head and make it unique for your initiatives? I’m always fascinated to see new approaches to using social media and get inspired by different organizations’ creativity. From specific initiatives to drive more traffic and awareness (like American Express’ Passion P…
Getting the Insiders’ View of Social Media
Did you happen to catch the Let’s Chat! #ciscosmt Social Media Training Series executive panel USTREAM broadcast on Wednesday April 3rd? It was the first installment of an ongoing series we will provide through regular Twitter chats and occasional video chats. Side Note: In between Wednesday’s execu…
Top 10 Tips for Executive Social Media
Navigating social media can be an intimidating challenge for many people, but particularly for company executives who may not be naturally inclined to communicate using social channels or have the time to learn how to use them. My own experience with social media has evolved – initially by watching…
Getting the Executive Social Media View
Since launching our internal executive social media mentoring program, it’s been really eye-opening to get a close up view of their perceptions around using this channel, their goals, and overall interests. We read and hear about different statistics all the time, telling us that executive participa…
How Do You Get Executives Involved in Social Media?
“How do you get executives involved in using social media themselves? How do I make it relevant for them and their business initiatives? And how do I show them value for participating right away? ” Our social media training team is approached regularly with questions like these in hopes that there i…