
December 20, 2013


Naughty or Nice: Cisco Wireless Rewards Release 7.6 Innovations to All

Deloitte’s 2013 Annual Holiday survey came out with some staggering statistics: Nearly 7 in 10 shoppers will use their smartphones and tablets to shop this holiday season. Nearly half of all shoppers will use social media to assist in shopping. 73% of shoppers will be influenced by coupons and prom…

December 13, 2013


Pick the Low-Hanging Omnichannel Fruit

This blog is the third of a series on how retailers are addressing the challenges of becoming an omnichannel business. We’ve talked about how omnichannel selling is not really about rushing to invest in some whiz-bang technology – in fact, I think stores often try to do too much at one time. Instead…

October 30, 2013


Omni-Tech for Omnichannel Selling

My last blog talked about the challenges of becoming an omnichannel retailer, and how stores are still learning how to make changes that cut across their entire business. We discussed how, appearances to the contrary, omnichannel selling is still about meeting a basic business requirement – finding…

December 19, 2012


Cisco NRF 2013 – Preview of Cisco Remote Expert Smart Solution for Retail Demonstration

This is our fourth preview of what Cisco will be showcasing at the 102nd National Retail Federation Convention and Expo on January 14 and 15, 2013 in New York City. At the Cisco booth, I will be hosting demonstrations of the Cisco Remote Expert Smart Solution for Retail. This solution offers a super…

December 13, 2012


Cisco NRF 2013 – Preview of Cisco Interior Inspirer Demonstration

This is our second preview of what Cisco will be showcasing at the 102nd National Retail Federation Convention and Expo on January 14 and 15, 2013 in New York City. At the Cisco booth, I will be hosting demonstrations of “Interior Inspirer” for inspirational living, a new interactive exp…