Service Provider

November 15, 2019


T-Systems and Cisco – together we build the bridge for our customers – for over 20 years

What distinguishes a good partnership? It always sets new impulses, uses the mutual strengths and synergies for mutual success, recognises the most important trends in order to be able to react to corresponding customer needs at an early stage. Fiscal year 2019 – joint growth above average The…

November 14, 2019


Size Shouldn’t Matter! SME’s Get Bite Through the Cloud

I have a dog, he is a small dog, he wasn’t supposed to be, and he doesn’t see himself as small! He is fast, agile and has the heart of an Alsatian! Just as Bolt  makes up for his small size with speed and agility, cloud can do the same thing for Small Medium Enterprises (SME). By their nature SMEs a…

November 12, 2019


5G is the Future of the Industrials Sector

Co-Authored with Wes Sylvester, Global Director of Manufacturing, Energy & Industry at Cisco Electricity completely changed and expanded the industrial sector along with the lives of countless people. In much the same way, 5G has the potential to transform businesses and communities. Manufactur…

November 12, 2019


DevNet Certifications – How To Prepare for the Service Provider Automation and Programmability Exam

The network world is changing, and the skills that were valued a decade ago aren’t the ones that will carry your career into the future. This is what makes Cisco DevNet such an important resource for network professionals, and the new DevNet Certifications such a valuable proof that you’ve acq…

November 7, 2019


Five Reasons Why Cisco Live is an Unmissable Event for Service Providers

In a little over 11 weeks, the doors will open for the 2020 EMEAR edition of Cisco Live! We’re putting the finishing touches to our bespoke Service Provider programme at this flagship event; bringing together the very best of what we have to offer for, and with, our Service Providers. From the inter…

November 4, 2019


5G Shopping? A Match Made in Retail Heaven

Co-Authored with Ron Kjelden, Global Director of Financial Services & Retail at Cisco Imagine this: you walk into a fancy, big-box electronics retailer, excited to buy your next major purchase. You are approached by a salesperson who doesn’t know what you want and therefore isn’t sure how…

November 4, 2019


Cisco Leads with 5G at Mobile World Congress 2019 Los Angeles

Cisco – 5G and IoT sponsor of the main event for Mobility in America The momentum for Cisco in 5G continues to grow as this week we continue to make the strong case the indeed, Cisco is the most important 5G technology vendor.  Cisco executives and subject matter experts shared their knowledge and e…

October 28, 2019


How 5G Can Make Smart Cities Even Smarter

Co-Authored with TJ Costello, Global Director of Smart Cities & Transportation at Cisco Cities are growing at an unprecedented rate. In fact, according to data from the United Nations, 68% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050.1 While some people think that a more populous city m…

October 22, 2019


Two Things You Need to Get Right in a 5G Strategy

Many believe 5G will be a catalyst to change economies, countries, and life as we know it. Physical industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and transportation will digitize and transform unlike anything ever before. Some say it will bring about our next industrial revolution. It’s…