Meeting the IP video challenge
To succeed in future, service providers will need technology that can meet increasingly sophisticated customer expectations If you’ve ever found yourself becoming addicted to the latest online TV series, it won’t come as a surprise to learn that video is increasingly dominating the internet. In fact…
Digital Transformation of India
Later this month, I will be traveling to India to meet with customers and connect with our Cisco Service Provider engineering teams. I always look forward to my trips to India. Each time I return, I find myself in awe of the pace of technology adoption in India, in general, and in particular, the ra…
Illegal Streaming of Pay TV – Is it Now a Flood?
There’s an undeniable rise in the number of people illegally streaming pay TV. In recent years, there have been many reports of police actions and criminal prosecutions of pirates and the many businesses that support them. The challenge when reading and compiling such reports is quantifying the over…
How can OTT keep your customers coming back?
If you love them, set them free… …because if they love you, they’ll come back. I’m sure most of us have seen this on a poster, as a meme, as a social media post, but may never have applied it to our businesses. However, the ability to easily leave a service is one of the key decision moments for sub…
Crack-down on video streaming-piracy on the rise
Regardless of the ongoing debate on the efficacy of legal action against illegal streaming, there seems to be more legal action initiated, with pretty significant judgments, across more territories and jurisdictions. Two reports on action against illegal streaming caught my eye last month. The first…
Cisco@CES 2017: Exceed Broadcast and OTT
This one’s for everyone careening out of the holidays and into 2017 — while necessarily keeping an eye on what’s about to happen at the upcoming International Consumer Electronics Show. We’ll be at the Wynn Hotel again, with a hot lineup of products demonstrated– way more than I could possibly…
Prepare Yourself for the Future of Video
Part 3: What does it take to win in an OTT world? In my previous post of this trilogy, I explained why I think that OTT video on the unmanaged network (aka. the Internet) is here to stay. Moreover, I suggested that by combining the advantages of Video-Over-IP with those of Video-Over–Broadcast, serv…
Is OTT Here to Stay?
Part 2: What does it take to win in an OTT world? In the first blog of this trilogy, I wrote that pay TV providers do not seem to perceive OTT video as a threat to their business. Well one thing’s for sure; there is plenty that we can learn from OTT video providers. They certainly brought new standa…
Is OTT Friend or Foe?
Part 1: What does it take to win in an OTT world? In this blog trilogy, I will try to shed some light on one of the more intriguing topics in the video industry– OTT video. I will discuss the reality of OTT video, the service provider’s perception of it, the future of the paid video industry and wh…