
Ethernet Turns 40 — and Continues To Influence the Technology Landscape

“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”  – Winston Churchill It is nearly impossible – even foolish – to look ahead without looking back. Glimpses into the past can give us inspiration for new innovations and even teach us what not to do. Behind every great techno…

May 21, 2013


Have You Registered for K-12 & Public Safety May 22nd?

Improving School Safety with Your WLAN See how your campus Wi-Fi can improve emergency response Register Now    |        May 22, 2013    10AM-11AM PDT Tony De La Rosa shared with us a teaser last week about the riveting webinar we have coming up this week on how Wi-Fi technology can be used in K-1…

May 20, 2013


Keeping the Momentum with Business-Relevant Wi-Fi Solutions

Can you remember life without Wi-Fi? Mobility is an integrated part of our daily lives – from how we operate as a mobile user or consumer to how we conduct business. And as Cisco continues to focus on architectures and solutions that transform our customers’ businesses, our Wi-Fi business soars: in…

May 19, 2013


Register for the K-12 Education: Using Wireless Technologies in Public Safety Webcast

Innovate the education environment by deploying Cisco BYOD Solutions for K-12 to facilitate teaching innovation and emergency  safety .  Small, medium, and large school districts across the country are utilizing Cisco technology to provide pervasive wireless coverage for their schools.  Wireless co…

May 17, 2013


802.11ac: Is Your Network Infrastructure Ready for Next-Gen Wi-Fi Traffic?

The next generation of Wi-Fi, 802.11ac couples the freedom of wireless with the speed of gigabit Ethernet. This also translates in additional load on the backbone of the network, which has to deliver at least 3 times the capacity of the current gold standard, the 802.11n based network. Cisco launche…

May 16, 2013


Live: 802.11ac with No Strings Attached

Coming off a busy week at Interop Las Vegas, we have recorded another info-packed podcast with the popular wireless networking podcast group “No Strings Attached Show”. The topic for this podcast covers the gigabit wireless technology, 802.11ac which if you attended Interop, you know this is a very…

Making Connections When Mother Nature Hits

When natural disasters strike, our first instincts are to phone or text loved ones; check news and social media sites; and go online to lend support. These connections become our lifelines. In the process, mobile devices become paramount in connecting people to people and people to data. That’s why…

May 14, 2013


Retail & Location Services – hype or happening – what is the value

Location Services has been a holy grail in many industries for almost 5 years now and none more so that in the retail industry. In recent discussions with Chief Executive Officers in leading retailers especially those from a marketing or operations persecutive some interesting comments and trends ar…

May 13, 2013


Public Safety in K-12 and the Wi-Fi Network

It’s no surprise that student safety is the upmost priority to educators, administration, and parents. I would know because I have two daughters in K-12. The topic of safety in K-12 schools strikes particularly close to home since one of my daughters has already been in a lockdown due to police acti…