
The Internet of Everything…A Small World After All?

It’s summertime. For most people, the warmer temps and holiday weekends are the perfect excuse for a vacation. But have you ever traveled to an amusement park or exotic destination only to wait in line for hours for the hottest ride or trendiest restaurant? Or perhaps your coolness factor would skyr…

Connecting parents and children with the Internet of Everything

Overnight trips when both of my kids were younger were hard. Wishing them goodnight over the phone. Sending postcards. But I always wished there was a way to stay connected with them while I was away. I read an interesting article on GigaOM by Stacey Higginbotham entitled, Hey parents! The internet…

Collaboration in the New Age of Convergence

I was in the grocery store when I realized that something new was going on: our entrance into the era of computing that I call convergence — the convergence of man and machine – is already changing the face of collaboration. In the recent past, collaboration did a great job of connecting peopl…

Making Connections When Mother Nature Hits

When natural disasters strike, our first instincts are to phone or text loved ones; check news and social media sites; and go online to lend support. These connections become our lifelines. In the process, mobile devices become paramount in connecting people to people and people to data. That’s why…

Birth of a New Class of Data in the Internet of Everything

Data generated by people and data generated by machines is actually quite different and as we move from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Everything, this has some pretty interesting implications. Data generated by things or machines is actually quite structured: A sensor is programmed or c…