How to Digitize: Create a Culture of Agility
In my previous blog, I discussed the most common question I receive, “How do I begin the digitization journey for my company?” The next question is often, “How do we change our corporate culture?” Corporate culture is key to the success or failure of digital business transformation. From my conversa…
Discuss Digital with Jeremiah Owyang via Facebook Live on October 14 #CiscoChat
Where there is tremendous change in the digital era, there is tremendous opportunity. As research reflects, digital disruption will replace almost four of the top 10 industry leaders in the next five years. There’s never been a better time to control your own digital transformation by leading your…
Top 5 Security Threats for Retailers in the Digital Age
As we enter Cybersecurity Awareness month, it’s an appropriate time to closely examine the specific security threats that retailers and hospitality providers face each and every day. In these industries, the overall “attack surface” is becoming dramatically more complex and hackers are more sophisti…
Cybersecurity Now and In the Future – Our Shared Responsibility
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month when participating governments and private industry jointly sponsor advocacy campaigns to promote awareness and ensure that every person around the world has the proper information and resources to be safer and more secure online. As a founding member of the…
15 Digital Disruptors: Announcing this year’s Innovation Grand Challenge Semifinalists
The finish line is now coming into view! After launching our third annual Innovation Grand Challenge in May, today I have the utmost pleasure to unveil the 15 semifinalists. Identified below, these digital disruptors emerged as the frontrunners in a global field of more than 5,500 participants. That…
Innovation: It’s in our very core
There is greenfield innovation. And then there is innovation that shakes you out of your own comfort zone. Without comparing the two, our story is steeped in the second. There was an era when Cisco’s enterprise products not only looked very different from each other but also operated on completely d…
Can design thinking help monetize the IoT?
As I get ready for my presentation on The Factory of the Future, Today: Lessons Learned from Deploying IoT at the Design & Manufacturing Conference, I think the main value I get out of these conferences is networking with peers and staying relevant in a fast-evolving job market. Companies are al…
My Favorite Superpower
I was at a movie theater recently, seated comfortably and waiting to see the latest chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, when I overheard a friendly debate among three young men in the row ahead of me. “If you could have one superpower, what would you want?” It’s impolite to eavesdrop, but I h…
How To Digitize: Simplify First
A common question I receive in my role as chief digital officer (CDO) is, “Where do I begin my digitization journey?” This is key—both because it is hard to know where to start among a sea of potential areas to transform and because setting out in the wrong direction can hurt your competitive positi…