For Better Collaboration Try Breaking The Rules
I recently read an article Why Getting It Wrong Is the Future of Design. It speaks to how innovative design changes often come from doing things that would be considered completely wrong. The article focuses on art, graphics, architecture, theater, movies, tableware, and even video games. Then I rea…
Make Collaboration a Key Part of Your Litigation and Claims Handling Strategy
For those of us who have been in this industry awhile, the Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance market continues to be plagued by inefficiencies in claims handling and litigation management. Adjusters assigned to manage the claim are geographically dispersed, have varying degrees of expertise a…
Don’t You (Forget about Employee Engagement)
Tonight I’m heading out for a huge slice of nostalgia. I’m going to see 1980s pop group Simple Minds. No doubt there’ll be much reminiscing and swaying of hands to classics like “Don’t You (Forget About Me).” This year Cisco has been celebrating its 30th birthday. Another recent addition to t…
The Importance of Taking an Integrated Architectural Approach to Your Collaboration Deployment
Collaboration is all about enabling diverse and distributed team members, both inside and outside your organization to effectively communicate, share information, and work toward a common goal. The benefits of collaboration show up as: Productivity gains Better and faster decision making Improved c…
Remember, It’s Just a Meeting
Driving the discussion of collaboration. Today, the federal government is still heavily involved in placing people on an airplane and flying key decision makers across the world to meet in person. While face-to-face interactions are important, long-term productivity requires the flexibility and cap…
Oil and the Smart Pipe – Article on The Network, Cisco, by Scott Gurvey
Scott Gurvey (the famous New York bureau chief and senior correspondent of the PBS broadcast Nightly Business Report for more than 20 years) has written a thought-provoking piece on “The Network” (Cisco’s Technology News Site). Safety is the key in the Oil and Gas industry. Whether…
How and Where Will You Work in the Future?
My previous blog post considered enterprise agility and our individual responsibility to take some level of ownership by being more present and connected. This week at UC Expo in London I met many industry colleagues, and it sparked off some interesting conversations. Two themes emerged that made me…
“Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza” Customer Experience and Cisco Context Service
Due to a middle school crush, I became a fan of Elton John during the most prolific point in his career, releasing a series of records I still enjoy today. Always looking to impress, I’d listen to the albums again and again looking to memorize the lyrics if the chance for a sing-along ever presented…
What to Know: Virtual Face-to-Face Engagements for Midsize Business
Have you ever imaged what your company would look like if you only employed the best and the brightest employees? Midsize business leaders, just like enterprise companies, need to recruit and retain the most capable employees. They recognize that because today’s talent is on the move, the best emplo…