
September 7, 2018


IBC 2018: How Cisco and its partners are driving Innovation and Scale in Media!

I remember when I was a kid being blessed to be able to go to the Circus. The entertainers were amazing and the clowns, well not so much! One thing I always recall from attending those shows as a kid was the balance that was on display from the entertainers up on the tight rope! Truly amazing to wal…

September 6, 2018


Phones for a Company That’s Always on Call

Transfix loves logistics, and they’re pretty great at them too. Which is why they’re a leading freight brokerage company, that helps match their customer’s shipments to the best shippers for the job. TekScape says… For these brokers, real-time responses are everything. They use the latest tech to br…

August 31, 2018


What Customers Want: Three Ways to Measure the Voice of the Customer

Recently I ordered a pair of shoes online – they didn’t fit so I returned them with the prepaid label and in record time I received another pair. Even though frictionless buying experiences like that are becoming increasingly common, they still amaze and impress me. At the same time, most of us stil…

August 30, 2018


A Good Hospital Needs Technology to Match

What makes a good hospital? Quick care? A friendly nurse? Better-than-average Jell-O? Brazil’s second largest hospital center—Hospital Alemano Oswaldo Cruz (HAOC)—has a pretty clear vision of what a good hospital should be. And it goes beyond softer sheets and better food. Their CEO, Fabio Katayama…

August 29, 2018


New Logos Help Partners Leverage Cisco’s $32 Billion Brand

This year’s Cisco Marketing Velocity event in Barcelona touched on a number of important themes that I noted in a previous post, but still top-of-mind is the importance of providing personalized, meaningful experiences. The tricky balance is to not let personalization overshadow the intrinsic, and o…

August 23, 2018


Make Better Banking Decisions

Global banks are adapting fast to a changing world. With new compliance rules from the US and tighter regulations nearly everywhere else, there’s a lot to keep up with. Clients might not see the big differences up front, but behind the scenes banks are scrambling to upgrade security, analytics, and…

August 20, 2018


Partner Launch: What’s Next in Delivering a More Intuitive Way to Work?

In today’s dynamic digital environment, customers are looking for ways to stay competitive by connecting their biggest assets, resources, and teams more effectively. It’s no secret Cisco is the market leader in collaboration solutions. We continue to fuel innovation across the portfolio and adapt to…

August 16, 2018


Joining the Neighborhood Watch

“Welcome to the neighborhood” is Matexi’s motto. They’re a real estate leader in Belgium, and they’re all about building sustainable housing in villages and inner cities alike. Since 1945, they’ve helped 38,000 families find safe, affordable homes, and right now, they’re working on 600 new neighborh…

August 13, 2018


6 Leadership Qualities for the Subscription Economy

If you’ve ever been in the presence of an exceptional leader then you know the feeling—they can unleash a gravitational pull that motivates you to act and inspires you to achieve your fullest potential. Cisco’s Senior Director of Connected Digital Interactions, Steve Cox (my boss), is one of those p…