A Room with a View (of Crucial Big Data Insights)
What’s the problem with Big Data? You guessed right — it’s BIG. Big Data empowers organizations to discern patterns that were once invisible, leading to breakthrough ideas and transformed business performance. But there is simply so much of it, and from such myriad sources — customers, competitors,…
Using Cutting-Edge IoE Technologies To Deliver Old-Fashioned Customer Experiences
Ever step into a small-town “mom and pop” store? The owners seem to know everyone in the community, along with their individual needs, likes, dislikes, and current life situations. It’s not easy to scale that kind of old-fashioned customer intimacy to a larger retail setting, online or off. But in t…
Have a Problem? Ask an Expert (Even if He, She, or It Is 3,000 Miles Away)
Your smart sprinkler system is happily pumping water to your lawn in highly efficient sprays that are “aware” of the soil, the climate, the weather, the time of day, and even whether or not your kids are playing in the backyard on a Saturday. Suddenly, a faulty valve bursts and an uncontrolled geyse…
As Connections Surge, Unique IDs Will Be Key
Uniquely Identifying Things Enables the Internet of Everything to Thrive In February 2014, patents are set to expire on selective laser sintering, the key to industrial-grade 3D printing. This is expected to cause an explosion in 3D printing. In a recent interview, GE CEO Jeff Immelt cited his compa…
In the Internet of Everything, “Everything” Includes YOU
You wake up feeling rested thanks to systems that “know” the best temperatures and lighting for your personal sleep patterns. While brushing your teeth, a smart (very smart) mirror tracks your vital signs and pronounces all systems go. It then suggests a high-protein breakfast, since the intensive f…
Realizing the Benefits of the Internet of Everything for Customer Experience, Part 2 ‘Design Thinking’ the Customer …
The early days of the Internet were a heady time of reimagining, rethinking, and, in effect, “e-enabling” a staggering range of business processes. Today, we stand on the cusp of an equally momentous paradigm shift driven by an explosion in connectivity—not just among devices, but also encompassing…
Realizing the Benefits of Internet of Everything for Customer Experience: Part 1 #IoE
We’re entering the age of the Internet of Everything (IoE), which is about connecting the Internet to the physical world (people, process, data, and things). We’re early in the process, with approximately 10 billion devices already connected. By 2020, Cisco projects that this number will reach 50 bi…