Creating Meaningful Events with Social Media
The ins and outs of how to use social media effectively for on- and offline events can be overwhelming. What technologies do we use…how do we integrate social media, mobile, physical and virtual environments…and how do we make it a meaningful experience for participants? It’s a lot to think about be…
All Day Tweet Chat: What Should IoE Connect?
In a world of connected people, process, data and things, what would you connect? That is the question of the day as Cisco hosts an all-day Tweet Chat next week with WIRED Magazine. On Tuesday, July 23 between 6:30 a.m. and 10 p.m. EST, submit an item you would like to see connect to IoE, and Cisco…
The Use and Impact of Social Media: A Blog Post
In recent years, social media has become the staple of communication. I remember when I was only about 11 years old and I first discovered the wonder of Myspace. This tool (the first of its kind) led the way to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. Social media opened up a whole new world of…
Professional Social Media: From the Eyes of a College Kid
Social Media has been an integral part of my life ever since my Mom allowed me to create a Facebook page my freshman year of high school. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Webex Social, have completely changed the way I interact with others. As I make the transition from a collegiate…
Exploring Social Media with Caution
Today, we have never been so connected and accessible. Information has never been that easy to get. And we’ve never been spoiled with so many updates. I used to remember sending snail mails (from Manila) to my grandma who was living in the U.S. back then. That took a lot of time. I remember my f…
Cisco Women and TechGirlsUK
A Twitter success story Theresa Russell teaches Computing to teenagers in Lancashire, England. We found each other on Twitter. I was looking to better understand the newest trends in #EdTech. She needed a female mentor for an international competition she had talked five students into joining. W…
5 Steps To Becoming a Social Media Master!
People are becoming more media savvy than ever before. The advent of social media has resulting in people consuming and sharing more information. A by-product of this is that people have becoming adept at ignoring traditional marketing and advertising and better at spotting marketing content trying…
Social Media Is Like Gelato In A Cone #CiscoSMT #SocialSavvy
Last week I spoke at an event and the definition of social media came up. Some people refer to social networking tools when they speak of social media while others refer to the notion of engagement and content on the web. I’m more of a “gelato in a cone” kinda gal. I view social media as engagement…
How to build the future you
Most of us did not grow up sharing our private feelings with the world. Today we are faced with the challenge of needing to build our brand. This test can help you understand how socially connected you already are. Be as web savvy as a librarian When was the last time you visited a library? Hint:…