Smart City

January 4, 2018


Top 10 Smart City Trends for 2018

Did you know that Smart Cities are poised to drive significant change in how we work, play and learn in 2018? Thanks to the explosion in big data analytics capabilities and mobile, real-time video/information sharing, historians may someday look back on this year as the fulcrum upon which technology…

October 25, 2017


Every Smart City Starts with Its Network

We recently launched the Network. Intuitive. campaign to introduce an entirely new era of secure networking. Cisco is recognized worldwide for its decades-long leadership in networking infrastructure. And now, we’ve upped the ante with the intent-based Cisco Digital Network Architecture, or DNA. Wav…

October 18, 2017


Getting Smart on the Future of Cities

Just last week, Chuck Robbins met with Jason Anders from the Wall Street Journal to discuss the future of smart cities. As observed by both gentlemen during their discussion, one does not simply turn a key and find themselves in a smart city. However, we are now at a place in our digital evolution t…

California CIO Academy Conference – Transformation Using IoT

Guest Blogger: Shilpa Kholhatkar, Senior Business Development Manager, IoT Systems Group Shilpa is responsible for driving the growth of Cisco’s IoT products across major verticals such as Manufacturing, Energy, Transportation and Public Sector. She has a unique profile that spans product and…

How Service Providers are Helping to Enable the Next Phase of Smart City Adoption

There has been lots of discussion on why cities are looking to embrace digital solutions to make them smarter. As smart city technologies and their related business models mature, cities are increasingly looking to deploy and scale multiple solutions across the city. This creates a really interestin…

November 23, 2016


Orchestrating Smart City Ecosystems

Just as an orchestra relies on the careful selection of instruments and skilled players, each contributing uniquely and working in tight collaboration, to create a truly symphonic experience—so, too, does the development and operation of a smart city. In the case of creating harmony on the urban ser…

November 17, 2016


Working Toward Carbon Neutrality

Being environmentally conscious is not just a fad – it’s a commitment. As citizens of this planet and stewards of the Earth, we must be aware of the impact of our day-to-day routines and how it may affect our quality of life. Each day our seemingly benign activities, such as getting to and from work…

November 15, 2016


A Powerful Platform to Drive Smart Outcomes in Cities

Cisco is not only one of the first organizations to have discerned the trends leading to the need for “smart city” strategies, it is also uniquely prepared to provide the smart solutions to city challenges. Cisco comes at smart cities, infrastructure up, building on its three decades of rock-solid n…