
December 8, 2016


How One Disti Partner Puts “Smarketing” In Play

Partners of all types across the globe have one very important thing in common. Yes, they all want to become more profitable; but, they also want to help facilitate this by aligning their sales and marketing teams more closely. While some still see marketing as a “support” role, it really is critica…

October 18, 2016


Reach Digital Natives by Blending Sales and Marketing

NOW is the time to align your marketing and sales efforts. More than ever you as partners, regardless of your function, have to remain vigilant of customers’ needs in today’s digital world. Everything moves faster. Everyone is connected. Your customers have transformed. Digital natives will dominate…

July 6, 2015


Smarketing: A Sales & Marketing Love Story

Once upon a time, sales and marketing were in love True, Marketing wanted a long-term relationship and Sales only wanted a one-night stand, but it was clear where everyone stood. Then, the relationship began to change With the advent of digital and social tools, buyers – not sellers – stepped into…