You’ve Got (Compromised) Mail!
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who have been affected by Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams and those who don’t know they have been hit with BEC. It’s happening all the time, in your company, right now. People are getting emails that look official, from a realistic company ema…
Cisco Threat Response with Email Security Integration: Harmonizing Your Security Products
Those of us who have been in security for more than 20 years are very familiar with the assertion that security is a process. For me, security has always been a process like a melody that ties in all other parts of the song. Staying on this musical analogy, if process is the melody, and you conside…
Going with what works: The state of phishing
Go phish! Cyber-attacks are big business. And the bad guys know that in any business, the more revenue you can generate with least investment means larger profits. It makes sense that when the bad guys find a reliable attack vector, like email phishing, they’ll use it for as long as it makes financi…
Phishing 101: Protection for Everyone
Every October, we celebrate National Cybsersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). This NCSAM, the five weeks of October are focused on five separate cybersecurity themes: simple steps to online safety, cybersecurity in the workplace, prediction for tomorrow’s internet, consider a career in cybersecurity,…
Six Ways to Stay Secure on a Budget
Malware has evolved dramatically in the past 20 years – from malicious script kiddies breaking things just for fun, to corporate and nation-state espionage, to a multimillion dollar industry. No company, no home, nowhere with advanced electronics is safe. Whether you know it or not, you depend…
Gozi ISFB Remains Active in 2018, Leverages “Dark Cloud” Botnet For Distribution
Gozi ISFB is a well-known and widely distributed banking trojan, and has been in the threat landscape for the past several years. Banking trojans are a widely distributed type of malware that attackers leverage in an attempt to obtain banking credentials from customers of various financial instituti…
Why cybersecurity in the workplace is everyone’s business
“If Microsoft calls and asks you for your password…it’s not real, ” said Steve LeBlond, VP of Technology and CTO of Ochsner Health System, while speaking at our Digital Health Summit on October 3. “We [Information Technology] will never ask you to log us in.” Stev…
Phish? Everyone’s on the hook.
There’s no doubt that general awareness for cybersecurity has been on the rise in recent years. The importance of using strong passwords, for example, is now common knowledge. But one very popular and effective threat continues to fly largely under the public’s radar: phishing. Why phishing? Researc…
Are You The Lucky One? Sometimes Luck Can Bring You Malware
For more than two decades, malicious actors have been evolving their Phishing techniques to effectively achieve their goals. From poorly crafted scams to extremely well crafted documents, Phishing attacks keep being a very effective technique in the attackers toolbox. Anyone can be a target. While m…