
Anna Shirokova

Security Researcher

Cognitive Threat Analytics

Anna is a threat researcher at Cisco. Her curiosity led her to research malware as a hobby, which grew into a career as an Information Security Analyst at Novartis.

As of 2017 she is a part of the Cognitive Threat Analytics team at Cisco. Her interests focus on network security, data mining for malware recognition patterns, malware behavior and cyber crimes.


November 30, 2017


CMS Brute Force Attacks Are Still a Threat

Brute force attacks have existed long before the Internet. As a cryptanalytic attack, it started being used as an attempt to access encrypted data when there were no other options available. With the rise of the Internet, this type of attack was quickly adopted. In a nutshell, a brute force attack c…

July 13, 2017


Are You The Lucky One? Sometimes Luck Can Bring You Malware

For more than two decades, malicious actors have been evolving their Phishing techniques to effectively achieve their goals. From poorly crafted scams to extremely well crafted documents, Phishing attacks keep being a very effective technique in the attackers toolbox. Anyone can be a target. While m…