Internet of Things
The Internet of Everything: Creating Better Experiences in Unimaginable Ways
Futurists have long envisioned a world where fabulous innovations transform our lives in mind-boggling ways. And while some of their ideas may remain far-fetched, the most exciting thing about their future is that so much of it is already here, today (flying cars notwithstanding). Indeed, we are liv…
The Internet of Everything Connects Customers to Shipping Logistics, One Package at a Time
The most wonderful time of year is upon us. With the holidays just around the corner, many will be crossing off wish lists by shopping via their laptop, tablet or smartphone. Last year I was one of those that waited until the last minute to shop for the holidays and by the time I arrived at the mall…
The Internet of Everything: Where Technology and Innovation Meet To Make the World a Better Place
What will the future be like? As depicted in today’s popular movies and books, the future is either one of bright promise—where the world’s greatest problems have been solved by technology and greater human enlightenment—or it’s a dystopian world where today’s problems have only gotten worse, techno…
My IoE World: Starting the Day Fit and Connected
Introduction It’s mind-boggling to see the speed at which people, process, data, and things are becoming more and more connected. The Internet of Everything (IoE) world is already happening. But what does that world really look and feel like in our daily lives? How are our everyday experiences cha…
From Information to Innovation: The New CIO in an Internet of Everything World
In my role at Cisco, I have taken interest in understanding how we, as people, are driving the need for innovative technology to fuel change in our world. As we find new ways to interact as consumers or communicators, we demand that technology keep pace – to be fast and to adapt. Today’s Chief Inf…
The Internet of Everything Including Security
It’s one thing to say that by 2020 the world will host 50 Billion Internet Protocol-connected devices. It’s even more amazing that the planet’s number of Internet-connected devices already exceeds the human population. So how do we secure tens of billions of devices when we know that the vast majori…
There’s No Place Like (a Connected) Home
It doesn’t take long to realize it’s going to be one of those days. You drag out of bed, bleary-eyed after a bad night’s sleep in a stuffy, overheated room. Desperately in need of a caffeine jolt, you then discover that you’re out of coffee. You turn on the TV but are too harried to take in the morn…
How Can we Keep Skills In Step with the Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a major accelerator for innovation of all industries and government. The idea of an increasingly digital world where mobility of applications and people are commonplace, where all types of things are connected and provide more intelligence and value is becomi…
Advanced Use of CMX at the Internet of Things World Forum in Barcelona
The inaugural IoT World Forum closed today in Barcelona with the overall sentiment being that it was a resounding success. One of the key messages that emerged was the need for everyone to work together and for the customer solutions of the future to be drive by business outcomes or capabilities, ra…