
March 28, 2017


Hannover Messe 2017 Kicks Off Industrie 4.0 Innovation

April showers brings May flowers but if you are in Germany in late April, Hannover Messe is the breeding ground for innovation in the global manufacturing industry. HM is the largest Manufacturing show in Europe and due to the advancements that are being made with Industrie 4.0 and Industrial IoT ar…

February 3, 2017


Introducing DevNet Create Conference in May 2017

The application development landscape is changing.  Innovation that has its roots in startups, APIs, cloud computing, containers and microservices is quickly making its way into the enterprise and into verticals such as manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and transportation. IoT and Edge computing o…

February 1, 2017


Turn the Lights On in the Data Center

Applications are one of the most important things in the data center. But they are misunderstood. If it weren’t for applications, we wouldn’t build the data center.  It’s the application that makes infrastructure and user data relevant to the business. It’s what drives business value. The realizatio…

January 27, 2017


Operaciones de Data Center Simplificadas Por Medio de Cisco ACI

Desde la introducción de Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) por parte de Cisco al mercado, este ha recibido reconocimiento de analistas y profesionales de tecnología informática (TI). Entre un gran numero de galardones recibidos, fue eligido por IT Pros como la mejor solución de redes de…

January 19, 2017


The Path to IoT Starts with One Small Step

As we look to the future, it’s easy to imagine how the Internet of Things (IoT) might transform the world. But it would be a mistake to try to start with a huge world-transforming implementation. As I’ve already discussed in my recipe for IoT success, IoT is a multi-year journey, not a one-time even…

January 12, 2017


Cisco Live Cancún: Resumen y Demos de Data Center

El Cisco Live Cancun de este año 2016 ha sido todo un éxito. Me dio mucho gusto ver miles de mentes brillantes conectarse y hablar cómo la tecnología de Cisco ha podido solucionar sus problemas. Las demos de data center han recibido muy buenos comentarios, y varias personas me ha solicitado que les…

January 5, 2017


DevNet Helps Partner Developers Innovate Faster

We have been writing a lot of blogs for network engineers and developers. But, I recently realized that Cisco Partners may benefit from a little information about DevNet. If you are a Cisco partner, potential partner, or work for one, then this blog is for you. Let us start off with some data, which…

November 8, 2016


Innovation Learnings in Hospital Information System Deployments

The Digital Hospital Design group (Health Informatics Society of Australia) held an expanded roundtable discussion as part of the HIC 2016 conference.  The focus of the discussion was around three large hospital innovation projects in Australia and the common lessons that could be learned on the dri…

November 3, 2016


Securing the Internet of Things Is Everybody’s Responsibility

For the past couple of weeks, security and the Internet of Things (IoT) have been in the news like never before. During the first few days after the massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on domain name service Dyn, I almost couldn’t look at a news outlet without seeing or hearing a dis…