Converging Hyper Co-Innovation Inside and Outside a Big Company
Innovation in today’s disruptive digital economy can come from anyone and anywhere—inside and outside any enterprise. This means companies must fire up and fuel co-innovation like never before across all functions, grade levels, geographies, partners and customers within, without and among their fou…
How Was Your Day? – The Network Intuitive Comes to Life
“How’s work going? How was your day?” It’s what one of my closest friends asked me recently over coffee. Usually, people ask it casually, along with “What about this weather?” or “Did you see the game last night?” I don’t think she expected the complex, passionate reply she got from me. “You must re…
Insights for Customers from GSX 2018
Cisco recently wrapped up its annual worldwide sales conference, and while much of the content and conversations were directed toward our salespeople, all of it was focused around our most important audience—our customers. I had the privilege to present to more than 3,500 sellers, to update them on…
To Save Tomorrow: The Promise and Peril of the Augmented Worker
From iRobot to R2D2 to Star Trek’s Data, the concept of robots and humans working together has always been part of the science-fiction world. Below, Philip the co-bot carries on this tradition as we continue our comic-book vision of the Future of Work. For years, robots have taken on repetitive, dan…
Cisco’s Startup Revolution Gains Force with 2nd Innovate Everywhere Challenge Winners
To be honest, I worried this year that Cisco’s second innovation revolution across the entire company might not live up to expectations. So many corporate innovation programs fail after their first year or slowly fade away because of weak results or flagging enthusiasm. There are plenty of rea…
Leading Blockchain from Exciting Experiment to Widespread Adoption
Like the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain transformation will be a multi-year journey. We’re now at the beginning of that journey—an exciting time, when innovators from across industries are experimenting with new ways to harness blockchain technology in applications that range…
Top 5 Snapshots from Cisco Live
What a great year to be at Cisco Live! There was so much going on—from visionary keynotes to the World of Solutions exhibits, to the many sessions that let attendees go deep into the areas that interested them. What I heard and saw challenged my thinking in some areas, and confirmed what I’ve been l…
Get the Most from DevNet Create: Virtual or Live!
As we approach the final week before DevNet Create, I wanted to share with you details on how to make the most of your time. I recently posted about the agenda and the engaging lineup of keynotes and presentations. In addition to these speakers, we have also woven hands-on learning opportunities thr…
Transformation and the New Role of Managed Services
If you are a part of or even peripherally connected to an IT organization or managed services provider, you probably hear the word “transformation” daily, perhaps even more frequently. Like other well-worn terms such as “Digitization,” “DevOps,” or “Agile,” transformation can mean a lot of differen…