
June 28, 2017


From the floor of Cisco Live: IoT Threat Defense in Healthcare

What are IoT devices in healthcare?  In my experience talking with customers, I don’t believe I’ve ever received the same answer twice. Most often, they call out patient home monitoring devices and consumer-grade fitness trackers. But to me, an IoT device is anything that you connect to the ne…

June 21, 2017


Improving Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Visibility

Imagine going to the doctor for a routine checkup. After greeting you, the physician pulls up your medical records on his tablet, but instead of your medical history, this screen pops up: Now imagine if you were waiting on the results of a biopsy, or if the ultrasound machine displayed this screen…

June 21, 2017


MyWays: How Two Days of Innovation Helped Build a Startup from Scratch

As leader of Cisco’s Hyper Innovation Living Labs (CHILL) I see first-hand the race for breakthrough ideas. Markets are moving fast, and everyone is trying to leapfrog the leaders. Yet, even as big companies become leaner and more agile, too many innovation efforts lead nowhere. Even if the will and…

June 14, 2017


Enemy at the gates: Cybersecurity across the continuum of care

Healthcare is the number-one industry targeted by cyber attackers. The average cost of a healthcare data breach is $355 per record—more than double the cost for other industries.[1] With nearly 16.5 million healthcare records exposed in the U.S. in 2016 alone, the economic impact of cyber attacks is…

June 7, 2017


The prescription for better patient outcomes? Better collaboration.

It’s Tuesday, and an orthopedic surgeon in Vail, Colorado and a research scientist in Oslo, Norway are discussing results of the latest study on reconstructive knee surgery. Together, they look at data, review x-rays, and sketch ideas on a whiteboard. By the time they’re done, the surgeon has a new…

June 1, 2017


Roundtable Wrap Up: Healthcare Innovation at Cisco Live Melbourne 2017

In early February, a group of healthcare CXOs and innovation leaders toured a set of iconic US hospital innovation labs and healthcare innovation centres. Their aim was to study innovation process in the US and gather learnings appropriate for application in Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) healthca…

May 24, 2017


With Early Cancer Detection, IoT Saves More than Money—It Can Save Lives

This week at the Internet of Things World Forum, we’ve been hearing a lot about the transformational value of the Internet of Things (IoT) across many industries – manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, smart cities, retail, and finance. So many new solutions are on display that help organizati…

May 10, 2017


Healthcare behind bars: Can technology improve outcomes for inmates?

Making a trip to the doctor’s office isn’t a whole lot of fun for anyone. But if you happen to be in jail, well, it’s downright grueling. You can probably picture it based on what you’ve seen on TV and in the movies: the searches, the restraints, the uncomfortable bus ride–all part of the reason why…

May 4, 2017


Extending Care Series: An Integrated Solution

Welcome to the third and final blog of the Extending Care series. In past posts, we’ve shared key determinants in telehealth adoption, as well as the world of opportunity with EHR-integrated video. Now, we’re excited to release our new remote care solution – Cisco Extended Care. Cisco Extended Care…