
November 22, 2017


Collaboration for the Best Children’s Care

When it comes to patient care, efficiency and communication are vital. It is critical for hospital staff and doctors to collaborate in real-time in order to deliver the best possible care and treatment – especially when a child’s life is at stake. A major Virginia children’s hospital saw the value…

October 24, 2017


Secure, High Availability for Epic EHR Systems with Cisco ACI and Tetration

Are you an IT professional trying to address next generation healthcare application requirements across your complex environments and applications? Let me share why Cisco’s policy driven infrastructure, Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), has been selected and deployed by many healthcare…

October 12, 2017


Why cybersecurity in the workplace is everyone’s business

“If Microsoft calls and asks you for your password…it’s not real, ” said Steve LeBlond, VP of Technology and CTO of Ochsner Health System, while speaking at our Digital Health Summit on October 3. “We [Information Technology] will never ask you to log us in.” Stev…

August 9, 2017


The future of healthcare—it’s in your hands

Imagine your hospital or clinic. Clinicians seamlessly engage with patients and care teams on mobile devices in a highly secure environment, expanding their reach within the facility and around the world. Wi-Fi and sensors securely connect the hospital to a cohesive data infrastructure that dramatic…

August 4, 2017


Capturing the Opportunity of Digital Transformation

Information is the fuel for the continuing transformation of healthcare, enabling a care system that can address the growing challenges of quality, equity and cost.  But as health systems and hospitals digitally transform, as they increase their ability to acquire and process clinical information, t…

August 1, 2017


What do providers really think about the EHR?

The Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been in the news a lot lately –for some good reasons, and some not-so-good ones. But one thing is clear: The healthcare industry has come to rely on this technology, and we’re not going back. While the financial rewards offered by the HITECH (Health Information…

July 24, 2017


6 key lessons for innovation in healthcare

The big challenge in healthcare is how do we evolve more effectively, how can we respond to the rapidly escalating challenges of demand, complexity, equity and cost.  This is not so much a search for a single solution, but rather the development of a process, as each organisation, region and country…

July 20, 2017


Improving Healthcare Experiences with Collaboration: Case Studies

Search on Google for technology in healthcare. The results will include the latest medical devices, biosensors, robotics, and such. These innovations are doing amazing things to improve medical procedures and outcomes. But the patient experience extends beyond robots and devices. At the very core, h…

June 30, 2017


Healthcare hit by global ransomware attack – again

Like a nasty strain of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, ransomware reared its ugly head again this week. This attack is called Nyetya, as named by Cisco’s Talos threat intelligence team. (You may have heard it referred to in the press as Petya, but we believe this variant is different enough to warran…