Electronic Health Record

May 18, 2018


Is your EHR performance affecting patient satisfaction?

The scene: My doctor’s office, late morning, the exam room. I watch the minutes tick by as I sit and wait, drumming my fingers on the table and trying not to think about my overwhelming to-do list for the day. Mere minutes before, things seemed to be going smoothly. Appointments were running o…

August 1, 2017


What do providers really think about the EHR?

The Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been in the news a lot lately –for some good reasons, and some not-so-good ones. But one thing is clear: The healthcare industry has come to rely on this technology, and we’re not going back. While the financial rewards offered by the HITECH (Health Information…

July 18, 2017


Surgery Centers, EHRs and Campfire Coffee: Matt’s Story

If you’re like me, the digital shakeups rumbling across industries interest you. And, this curiosity bumps you into examples while just “doing life.” It even happens while camping with friends. While sipping campfire coffee around a picnic table, a friend told me about his new position as a hospital…