Live #CiscoChat August 9th -“Unscripted” by Cisco: The Conversation Continues
From data to data-driven decisions… What does it take to make the leap? It’s the kind of shift that has the power to change the enterprise — and the power rests in IT’s hands. Now, as part of our new webinar series “Unscripted,” we’re bringing together IT innovators from across the globe to particip…
Midpoint Reflection: Interning at Cisco
They say that time flies when you’re having fun, but I didn’t expect it to fly this fast. It seems like half of my internship with Cisco has flown by in the blink of an eye. With five weeks in RTP (Raleigh, NC) and one week at our headquarters in San Jose, California under my belt, I have learned an…
The Story of How Data Virtualization Became Data Virtualization
Someone recently asked me about the origin of the Data Virtualization category name. From my unique perspective as the software marketer who drove the term and category’s successful adoption, I enjoyed the chance to share the Data Virtualization category story with them. And in this blog, I thought…
The Eco-Friendly Cisco Cafes
It’s Not Easy Being Green In the workplace, there is an endless list of things that keep our minds occupied. For me, it’s everything from project deadlines to what I’m going to eat for lunch today. And even though society is doing its best to lead us into “being green” at work, how to be a better en…
Helping Others Find Their Voice: Project Vive
Spotlight on Our Inaugural GPS Challenge Grand Prize Winner Our voice is part of the foundation of how we connect with each other. We voice our needs and share our ideas and feelings. It’s how we’re heard. Having a “voice” is fundamental to being an individual. Meet Arlyn Edelstein. She has cerebral…
Cisco in 2017 Gartner Unified Communications Reports
Digitization, workplace transformation, investment protection. These are all top-of-mind subjects that come up in my conversations. Many of you are currently evaluating your collaboration strategies and thinking about how to evolve your unified communications solutions. There’s no doubt that the UC…
Leaving Fear Behind – A New Job at Cisco!
I’ve always been emotionally connected to the work I do because it changes people’s lives, which manifests into a deeper level of commitment and passion for my work. Throughout my career, I struggled to find a company that was able to share those same sentiments….until now. With Cisco, I no longer…
Cisco Networking Academy in a New Era
We are at the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and entering a new era of digitization, which is rapidly disrupting how we live, work, and relate to one another. Today’s technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Cisco’s recently launched new intui…
Process Paralysis? Create a More Agile Workplace in Financial Services
The value of seniority in traditional organizations is less about accumulating vacation days and more about knowing how to get things done and who to go to for what. In the past, this “tribal knowledge”—information and experience from veteran employees—was buried in hard drives or only passed down f…