A Brief History of Cloud Collaboration
This is part of a blog series on the evolution of the Cisco Collaboration Cloud platform, which explores the technical and design principles behind its unique architecture. I came to Cisco with the idea that, in many ways, enterprise communications technology had fallen behind consumer technology. A…
Declutter For Your Customers
We’re moving. After twenty-five years in the same house, my wife and I will soon be living in a new place. Moving isn’t fun. It’s not just leaving the home where we raised our two boys, but getting rid of all our unneeded items. We’re not hoarders or packrats, but it’s…
What I Learned at Grace Hopper: Collaboration Is Crucial for Improving Gender Diversity in Tech
In October I had the privilege of attending the Grace Hopper Celebration for the first time. I am truly in awe of how transformative and inspiring this conference is. Grace Hopper is the largest event for women in computing. It’s a place for women to come together and get inspired by other women who…
Mobile Collaboration: Where Does It Rank on Your Priority List?
The way people collaborate is in the midst of an enormous shift. Whether you’re ready or not, it will impact how and where teams and employees conduct business. In 2014 alone, global mobile data traffic grew 69% and nearly half a billion mobile devices were activated and connected. And by 2019? That…
The Power of Interconnected Partnerships – Internally and Externally
I have always been a passionate believer in The Power of Partnerships to improve diversity in the talent pipeline, the workplace and leadership positions at enterprises everywhere. My experience shows that partnerships must be formed both within the enterprise and outside of it in order to make a re…
Cisco SX10 Gains New Video Fans
When a product does exactly what it promises and more, it can develop almost a cult following. Think iPhone, 3 Series, red soles. You almost don’t need the company brand to know what I’m talking about. OK, so maybe the Cisco SX10 doesn’t quite stir the same emotions as a sleek BMW or a pair of Chris…
Create an All-channel Retail Shopping Experience
I always feel the rush of excitement when it comes to shopping. Whether it’s that something special to enhance my home’s interior. Or my annual vacation package. Or a pair of custom designer shoes that will add a perfect dash of sophistication to my business suit. Yes it’s true. Nothing to beat besp…
Cisco Excels in Latest Gartner Telephony Reports
Thirteen is a lucky number for Cisco Collaboration. For the 13th year in a row, Gartner shows Cisco as a leader in its 2015 Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony, positioning Cisco highest in execution and furthest in vision for corporate telephony among all eight vendors. Similarly, Cisco is al…
Cloud Reimagined
As we gear up for our biggest collaboration event of the year, Collaboration Summit, I thought it would be a great opportunity to kick off a blog series leading up to the announcements we’ll be making there this December about the evolution of our Collaboration Cloud Platform. At last year’s summit,…