Six Steps: Save Up to a Month a Year by Ditching Your Commute
As the pitter patter of raindrops hits the windshield, you tap the brakes and once more find yourself at a dead stop. Your exit is still eight miles away. Someone behind you honks and your navigation app shows an accident up ahead. With your stomach in knots, you call home to say you may miss dinner…
4 Ways Collaborative Technology Can Lead to Happier Bank Employees
In established companies, people are the biggest cost—as well as the biggest asset. As banks compete for the best talent, many are realizing they need to re-examine the fundamentals of how they operate. Even traditional financial institutions built on top-down process and authority are lookin…
Taking Our Shot at Revolution with Flex Plan
I recently had the privilege of taking my family to see Hamilton, an American Musical. It blew me away. It was the best play I’ve ever seen. For three hours, we were held captive by the pure energy of the music and lyrics, recounting the history of America’s founding fathers. The song, “My Shot,” wh…
Collaboration at #CLUS, Final Wrap: “Ahh, the Cloud” and Endangered Chickens
It definitely took the long weekend to recover from the energy of Cisco Live. From the keynotes to the innovation talks to the DevNet Zone and the show floor, I definitely got my convention center mileage numbers. I’m probably due for an oil change. The good news is that some of those footsteps are…
Collaboration at #CLUS, Day 3 Wrap: Thinking about Security
I may be on the collaboration team, but the security stuff always fascinates me. The stats around cyber crime are mind melting. Today’s keynote focused on security, which is always a timely topic, but even more so today. A few stats from our chief security officer, John Stewart: Almost 2 of every 5…
Collaboration at #CLUS: Get Ready to Fly Like a Superhero!
Some call it summer camp for nerds. Some call it the world’s biggest annual gathering of Cisco technical experts. The official name is Cisco Live. Whatever it is, an analyst recently predicted that the collective attendance will increase baseline average of technical acumen among Las Vegas hotel gue…
Digitizing Pedagogy & the Age of Teaching Superpowers
This blog is the first of a three-part series. Coming up next week is Cisco Live 2017, where I’ll be hosting an education session, and where the theme is (much to my excitement) superheroes. I am a big fan of superheroes. The comics, the movies, and the whole idea of super human powers that e…
The Technicolor Experience Center: This Is Where Shift Happens
Today is a very good day: A day that proves without question that shift happens. That creativity is alive and thriving. What goes on? Today is the grand unveiling of the Technicolor Experience Center, a milestone moment for seeing around corners, and I get to be here. Called “TEC” for short, the Te…
Skilling the Current and Next Generation Workforce
Perspectives from Career and Technical Education (CTE) Leaders from the Asia Pacific Economic growth is driven by the capacity of economies to continually renew themselves, by drawing together the right skills, talent and technology at the right time. Governments and companies need to be proactive…