Enterprise Connect 2017, Day 1: Panels, New Products, Gators
In today’s episode, I cover a few of the day’s panel discussions and provide an overview of the latest Cisco product announcements. There’s nothing like waking up with the alligators in Orlando. Actually, from the look of the little guys here at the Gaylord Palms, I was far more alert than the…
Experiencing Collaboration at Enterprise Connect
I’m really excited for next week’s Enterprise Connect in Orlando. Why? Because this show is so focused on what matters most to us: Collaboration. We’re looking forward to having you experience our latest products in our demo area. Because it is all about the experience with us. I find that more than…
Simplicity Powers Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is creating new business models, new customer experiences and improving workforce experience. It is changing the way we work, live and play. It involves connecting millions of endpoints and disparate types of data sources. In the digital era, businesses are becoming more dyna…
The Importance of Standards, IETF, and Interop to Collaboration at Cisco
For those of you who know me, you know that I’ve dedicated much of my career to the development of Internet standards. The Session Initiation Protocol – RFC 3261 (SIP) was part of joint research I did with Professor Henning Schrulzrinne at Columbia University beginning in 1995. And after 20 years, S…
Giving Customers Software Deployment Flexibility
Everyone wants choice, and software customers are no exception. Software vendors have traditionally offered different versions of their applications, with labels like Deluxe or Premier, to distinguish what type of functionality is included. Another area where vendors are increasingly providing custo…
Prioritize Teamwork to Deliver Results
We’re in the business of creating tools and technology for collaboration. Everything we do is focused on making it easier for teams to work together and “get stuff done.” But putting the best tools in place isn’t going to create teamwork from thin air. If your organizational culture doesn’t actually…
Inviting Global Perspectives into the Classroom
As our schools and universities prepare students to make a contribution to the world, it is important to benchmark the emerging critical skills they will need to solve increasingly complex problems. As we accelerate the speed of moving data and communications around the world, one strategic skill em…
Students Collaborate Using Cisco Spark During Hackathon
Our Innovation Centre in Australia, Perth, recently had the opportunity to host a hackathon, exploring safety and productivity solutions for heavy vehicles. Launched in December by the state’s Transport and Innovation Minister, Bill Marmion, the hackathon was held as part of the government’s commitm…
Continuing the HIMSS17 Conversation
HIMSS17 is over, but the drive toward innovation and digital transformation will continue! According to Modern Healthcare, 42,287 providers, C-suite executives, IT managers, clinicians, government employees, and vendors from around the world attended the conference, which was held last week in Orla…