
August 22, 2017


Where Video Systems and Self-Driving Cars Converge

As I was driving to the Oslo office, it struck me how much the latest self-driving cars have in common with our new Cisco Spark Room 55 system. At first, it seems that it’s all about user experience: Both the cars and the Room 55 pretty much drive themselves. The Room 55 is a high-performance all-in…

August 21, 2017


Introducing New Enterprise Controls for Cisco Spark

­Making the Impossible, Possible Last year, one of my colleagues went to a start-up conference with 2,000 people. On stage, someone asked the audience how many were working on consumer apps. Almost everyone raised their hands. Then the person asked how many were working on enterprise apps. This time…

August 7, 2017


Universal Federation in Cisco Spark: Collaborate with Anyone

Really and seriously, and I mean it this time. In my work in the last twenty years on IP communications, the holy grail of the industry was to enable solutions that provide true any-to-any communications. That is – in the workplace environment – it would be possible for any user in Company A to talk…

August 2, 2017


How Sales Teams Can Transform Customer Relationships

This post comes from Stacy Shrader, an intern with the collaboration marketing team and a rising senior at Virginia Tech with a dual degree in business management and public relations. What’s one thing that drives business? Revenue. That means a sales department is one of your most important busi…

July 31, 2017


Shifting Marketing to a New Way of Collaboration

  This post comes from Stacy Shrader, an intern with the collaboration marketing team and a rising senior at Virginia Tech with a dual degree in business management and public relations. Innovation. Yes, a simple word, but one filled with ambiguity. Marketing leaders can attest that innova…

July 28, 2017


Cisco in 2017 Gartner Unified Communications Reports

Digitization, workplace transformation, investment protection. These are all top-of-mind subjects that come up in my conversations. Many of you are currently evaluating your collaboration strategies and thinking about how to evolve your unified communications solutions. There’s no doubt that the UC…

July 20, 2017


Improving Healthcare Experiences with Collaboration: Case Studies

Search on Google for technology in healthcare. The results will include the latest medical devices, biosensors, robotics, and such. These innovations are doing amazing things to improve medical procedures and outcomes. But the patient experience extends beyond robots and devices. At the very core, h…

July 18, 2017


Better Collaboration Delivers Better Education: Case Studies

It’s definitely been quite a while since I sat in a classroom for more than the annual back-to-school night routine. When I was a student, the classrooms always smelled like chalk. We turned in assignments in our best handwriting and carefully chose the right folder to encase our reports. Eventually…

Cisco and Ericsson Light Up Cisco Live

Over 28,000 people from around the world flocked to Las Vegas last month to attend Cisco’s annual showcase of new technologies, Cisco Live.  For the second year in a row, Ericsson participated in the event as a Diamond Sponsor, with a large booth and multiple keynote presentations. For the fir…