Cisco Live
Our Homepage: 5 More Insights
In mid-June, we shared how video and live steaming perform on our homepage, particularly during Cisco Live. Well, since then we’ve continued to test and learn along the way on our Cisco homepage. It receives more than 2.5 million average monthly visitors and it’s truly a melting pot with 5…
SP Network Transformation at the Cisco Live Cancun World of Solutions
By Igor Dayen, Manager, SP Product and Solutions Marketing The excitement starts on November 3rd in Cancun, Mexico where Cisco is holding our next Cisco Live event. A great opportunity for the service provider community to study with industry experts, get inspired, and understand how Cisco’s Open…
Internet of Things – The Technical Reality
Internet of Every(thing)s – Confusing for sure. IoT. IoE. Same thing some say. Only different. Too much for any one show really, but we did our best. Internet of Things (IoT) is difficult to define as it represents multiple protocols and so many different ideas. We will all cont…
ACI Momentum Continues
We embarked upon this episode with an agenda. Take a sample of the building momentum around Cisco ACI. The growing benefits, details and momentum behind the Application Centric Infrastructure. First announced in November 2013 and just before we start shipping. In my estimation, we saw five areas wo…
The Future of Cloud, Part 1: Six Cloud Providers and Their Vision
This year’s Cisco Live! was tremendous, with 25,000 attendees on-site and another 200,000 attending virtually. There was a lot of excitement around all things cloud, from how the Internet of Everything will change the way we live, to the role of the Intercloud in forming a seamless fabric between t…
Wireless Stew, Intoxicating Demo and Plixer
One of the best times I always have at Cisco Live involves getting to play ‘TV Anchor’ for the various live shows we stream. Well the Cisco TV team lets us use their equipment to do a live version of TechWiseTV each afternoon as well. Now honestly, I do plan these out…a little. But…
My Cisco Live Debut
I joined Cisco five years ago as a contractor. And I’ve proudly been part of the Cisco on Cisco team for the past 2 years. This was my first Cisco Live and my first time delivering a Cisco on Cisco session at an event. //…
#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep17 Cisco Live Highlights
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists hosted by Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week guest host Lauren Friedman (@Lauren) and the Cisco Champions team share a recap of Cisco Live. Listen to the Podcast Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE Cisco Live Highl…
CMX Analytics at Cisco Live! San Francisco 2014
Cisco Live! San Francisco was the biggest Cisco Live! yet—25,000 attendees. Read Chris’s blog for more on the network at Cisco Live! You also heard about the Mobility Services APIs enabling location-based services and location-enabled application development in Neha’s blog yesterday. The…