Summary: The We’re Listening Blog Series: Faster Contract Updates with New RMA Front-end Swap Process
Cisco continues to listen to our customers’ feedback, and make improvements that address your biggest pain points. In a previous post, Jim Fuller, Senior Director of Technical Services focused on entitlement, joined us to talk about improvements that simplified the overall Services Entitlement proce…
Solving the Network Location Problem with LISP
Your Location Has Changed, Carry On! Solving the Network Location Problem with LISP (Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol) The first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions location is our GPS location. Our ability to roam around the earth with our mobile devices is something many of us tak…
Connecting The Unconnected: What If We Have It All Wrong?
The internet of everything (IoE) is about connecting the previously unconnected. When most people think about creating these connections, they think about doing so by adding sensory technology to inanimate objects, thereby making objects “smarter.” What if we have this paradigm all wrong? What if th…
Learning, Friends and Social Networking at #CLUS
Cisco Live! has come to a close and I want my first Cisco Guest Blog post to be about my amazing week in Orlando. I am a Wireless Engineer based in St. Petersburg, Florida and I try to make it to Cisco Live! as often as possible (which has been every other year recently). The Keynotes were great th…
The Balance Between Technology and Humanity is Fueling Technology’s Popularity
We are living in arguably the most exciting time in human history, and I’m mesmerized by how fast our world is evolving thanks to brilliant technologies and the sheer volume of inanimate objects that are connecting to the internet on a daily basis, forming the internet of everything (IoE). As much a…
Summary: The We’re Listening Blog Series: Making Licensing Easier through Automation and Increased Visibility
In our September We’re Listening blog, Brian Jeffries, vice president of operations, talked with you about steps taken to ease your challenges with Cisco software licensing. I asked Brian to update you about our progress around licensing and software management. Brian leads a Cisco-wide initiative f…
Hershey Teams Up with Cisco to Deliver Telepresence to Students in Ghana
I’ve always liked The Hershey Company. Before now it was mostly for the delicious morsels they stack candy shelves with, but now I’m even more impressed with the company because of what it’s doing for the underprivileged youth in both the U.S. and Ghana. In the summer of 2012, Cisco’s own Ed Scherme…
Cisco Video Collaboration Helps INTEGRIS Health Save Lives
We’ve seen Cisco TelePresence making a difference in health care. Most recently, it helped connect Children’s Hospitals with the North Pole for the holidays, and now its uses have extended to saving lives. There are few things in life that are more important than your health and the health of your l…
Summary: How Retail Giant Kingfisher Is Improving Efficiency with a Video-Enabled Supply Chain
It seems every week there is a new use case for Cisco TelePresence, and this week is no different. Europe’s leading home improvement retailer, Kingfisher is using Cisco TelePresence to help the company adopt more agile ways of working. As a company that makes do-it-yourself projects easier and more…