Financial Services

June 20, 2013


The Evolution of Immersive Video in the Retail Bank Branch Series (2): Bring an expert to any branch

In the first part of the “Evolution of Immersive Video in the Retail Bank Branch” series, I discussed how the retail banking industry is currently undergoing organizational changes that are affecting customers’ banking experience, including the knowledge and interaction they receive upon entering a…

Disruptive Times Call for Positive, Innovation Change Agents

The online rebel jam is a joint effort of Rebels at Work, and Corporate Rebels United  and being sponsored by Cisco IBSG, who is contributing both speakers and the WebEx collaboration and communication platform that enables this global virtual event. It’s easy to be an innovator and entrepreneur in…

Next Generation Wealth Management: Mobile Technology Enhances the Customer Experience

The wealth management industry is under transformation. In an effort to win back trust, attract new customers and retain existing ones, firms are investing in new collaborative technologies that support their business model transformation from transactions to interactions focused on client centricit…

Round-Up: Cisco at HPC for Wall Street

We had a great time at the recent 10th Annual High Performance Computing Linux for Wall Street event in New York on April 8, 2013. This year’s HPC conference focused on speed and cutting-edge advances in network visibility, analytics, and instrumentation. Some of the brightest minds in the financial…

Viewpoints: Industry Experts Share Their Perspectives on the Financial Services Industry

Cisco’s Financial Services Industry Marketing team is pleased to welcome a monthly contribution from industry professionals sharing their insights and observations on key trends in the Financial Services industry. The opinions expressed in these posts are those of our welcomed guests and may not ref…

Customers Desire More Personal Service From Their Banks

Some might argue that retail banking is known more for its inconveniences than its convenience. As an example, the common term ‘banker’s hours’ is synonymous with “being open for the shortest and most inconvenient amount of time”. Despite that legacy, retail banks have made a conce…

April 26, 2013


The Future of Payments and Commerce: Digital Payment Strategies in the Age of Omnichannel Banking

Banks, for the most part, have realized the importance of mobile as a channel. Across the globe, empowered executives are being appointed to head up digital channel programs. Their primary mission: define and implement the mobile banking channel and seamlessly integrate it with the other major digit…

April 25, 2013


The Importance of the Omnichannel in Financial Services

Technology has and will continue to be a key enabler across every product delivery channel within the financial services sector. You simply need to explore some of the newer bank branches, available applications within app stores or investigate online innovations inherent in many institutions’ web p…

April 8, 2013


Cisco Partners with Industry-Leading Trade Monitoring Vendors to Give High Performance Traders Enhanced Visibility

Today, April 8, 2013, the brightest of Wall Street are meeting at the 10th Annual High Performance Computing Linux for Wall Street event in New York to learn about the latest technology innovations that give financial trading firms a competitive edge. With network latency achieving speeds of less th…

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