Corporate News

9 May 2019


Cisco Brings Cybersecurity and Privacy center of excellence and Co-Innovation center to Milan

1 min read

Cisco announced plans to open a new Cisco Center of Excellence and Co-Innovation center, focusing on Privacy and Cybersecurity, to be located in Milan, Italy.

29 April 2019


Cisco Ushers in a New Wireless Era with Wi-Fi 6

4 min read

Today Cisco is announcing innovative solutions that help customers embrace a new age of wireless connectivity. Wi-Fi 6 (also known as 802.11ax), the new standard for Wi-Fi networks, is redefining what’s possible for businesses — powering a new era of immersive wireless experiences and the connecting of billions of things. Cisco is also extending the industry’s most extensive campus networking portfolio by delivering a campus core switch purpose-built for cloud-scale networking. By coupling powerful automation and analytics software with a complete array of next-generation switches, access points, and controllers for the campus, Cisco enables the industry’s only end-to-end, wireless-first architecture.

23 April 2019


Cisco’s DevNet Express creates a community of developers to help Qatari businesses grow

2 min read

The goal of DevNet is to create a community of infrastructure and application developers and give them hands-on experience and insights via pre-packaged tutorials, instructor-led teaching by highly qualified sales engineers and rewarding through games.

17 April 2019


Cisco’s DevNet Express creates a community of developers to help Bahraini businesses grow

1 min read

Building on the success of previous events around the world, Cisco’s DevNet Express initiative was today expanded into Bahrain.

3 April 2019


Cisco Networking Academy and digitalswitzerland Announce Joint ICT Education Initiative

2 min read

digitalswitzerland and Cisco announced today they are collaborating on a joint ICT education initiative based on the educational platform of digitalswitzerland. As part of this collaboration, Cisco Networking Academy courses and content are available on for free.

1 April 2019


‘AI days’ in EMEAR: Working together to address the challenges and realise the potential of AI

4 min read

Recently, several of Cisco’s EMEAR innovation centres – those in London, Paris and Berlin – played host to a series of ‘AI days’. These events gathered subject matter experts with leading technologists from across the world, to discuss, display and showcase the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in transforming the enterprise and revolutionising the way we do business today.

24 March 2019


Cisco’s DevNet Express creates a community of developers to help Lebanese businesses grow

2 min read

Building on the success of previous events around the world, Cisco’s DevNet Express was recently expanded into Lebanon

12 March 2019


30th anniversary of the WWW: Better access to education and healthcare top aspirations for the next 30 years of the Web

3 min read

To mark the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web, over 11,000 survey respondents from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa shared what the Web has made possible for them today, and what they hope it will make possible for future generations. Enabling ‘better access to education’ tops the list of respondents’ aspirations for the future of the Internet (63 percent), followed by enabling ‘better access to healthcare’ (57 percent).

12 March 2019


Let’s celebrate 30 years of possible

3 min read

On this day, 30 years ago, the World Wide Web was born. A seemingly complex invention that would go on to open the Internet up to billions of people, creating opportunity in ways we could never imagine.