
March 6, 2018


How Do I Get Started Learning Network Programmability?  

One of the most often asked questions I get at events or online is “How do I get started with network programmability?” Another common question is “Should I get my CCNA, CCNP, or CCIE?”  These are important questions for network engineers with limited time and resources to invest in training, and lo…

March 2, 2018


NetDevOps, and the Rise of the Programmable Network (PN)

In the “old” days, applications and infrastructure were designed and built by separate teams. But things have changed. Cloud infrastructure has emerged and beckons cloud applications into play. And just like that we’ve entered the world of DevOps, where new applications are being deployed with expec…

February 28, 2018


The Programmable Network and the Rise of the Network API

There is a really important trend in front of us in the industry. I call it “the rise of the network API.” We’ve entered a whole new world where the network is programmable. And what’s really exciting…the programmable network has APIs. As a result, the power and capabilities of networks and network…

February 28, 2018


Network Programmability at Cisco Live Melbourne

With only a few days before Cisco Live Australia and New Zealand kicks off, and still with a couple of open registration spots available, I want to invite the attendees of this event to sign up for the two workshops I will be running in Melbourne: DEVNET-2101:NXOS in the real world using NX-API REST…

February 23, 2018


Become Comfortable with Programming and Dev Tools at My Cisco Live Workshops

Fast on the heels of Cisco Live Europe, I’m on my way next week to the Cisco Live DevNet Zone (March 6-9, 2018) in Melbourne, Australia. — or “melbun” if you’re a local! The DevNet Zone will be rockin’ with new and tried-and-true workshops and sessions to help you…

February 19, 2018


How I Built the Greatest Trade Show Booth of my Life. So Far!

Part of my role has always been to create and present workshops, talks and labs at our conferences, such as Cisco LIVE! It’s an enjoyable challenge, finding new and interesting ways to engage with attendees. Our developer zone, DEVNET, aims to provide a ‘sales-light’ environment, focused on hands-on…

February 19, 2018


Bringing Programmability and NetDevOps to Melbourne for #CLMel

In just a couple weeks I’ll be headed to Melbourne for my very first Cisco Live “down under” and I absolutely can’t wait!  #CLMel has long been on my bucket list to attend, and I was honored to be invited by the excellent DevNet Events team to come down this year.  And if I&#…

February 16, 2018


From Pampered Customer to DevNet Zone Builder. Is this you?

My first Cisco event I still fondly remember my first “Cisco Live” type of event back in 2006. It was not an actual Cisco Live in the way the event is run these days, but a local Cisco event in Romania, called Cisco Expo. Back then Cisco Live was still called Networkers and the smaller s…

February 13, 2018


Continuous Integration and Deployment for the Network

The requisite for Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline being used in the network is growing. Continuous Integration and deployment helps counteract inaccuracies in daily network deployments and changes, hence is critically required. The upshot for change release and automated netwo…