February 28, 2018


Network Programmability at Cisco Live Melbourne

With only a few days before Cisco Live Australia and New Zealand kicks off, and still with a couple of open registration spots available, I want to invite the attendees of this event to sign up for the two workshops I will be running in Melbourne: DEVNET-2101:NXOS in the real world using NX-API REST…

October 6, 2015


Experience Day 0, 1, 2 and N Operations @ PuppetConf

Craig Huitema blogged about Cisco’s SDN strategy and one of the key pillars is programmable networks. Cisco’s programmable networks is based on Nexus operating system NX-OS and our Robb Boyd from TechWiseTV covers it here and goes in more depth about NX-API REST (Object model) here and here. Also go…