programmable network

A Network That Thinks for Itself

Networking today is a world of big opportunities – and big challenges. Telecoms, mobile, cloud and cable service providers are all facing increasing demands on their systems. Old approaches are no longer going to be enough. If they want to succeed in future, service providers are going to have to re…

March 21, 2018


Application Developers Who Leverage the Programmable Network Will Have a Leg Up in the Coming Industry Transformation

DevNet Create is right around the corner again! This 2-day conference is unique in the industry. It is 100% focused on the innovative outcomes that can be delivered by coders when their applications are aware of and integrated to the physical infrastructure all around us. If you are a traditional so…

March 2, 2018


NetDevOps, and the Rise of the Programmable Network (PN)

In the “old” days, applications and infrastructure were designed and built by separate teams. But things have changed. Cloud infrastructure has emerged and beckons cloud applications into play. And just like that we’ve entered the world of DevOps, where new applications are being deployed with expec…

February 28, 2018


The Programmable Network and the Rise of the Network API

There is a really important trend in front of us in the industry. I call it “the rise of the network API.” We’ve entered a whole new world where the network is programmable. And what’s really exciting…the programmable network has APIs. As a result, the power and capabilities of networks and network…

“Recalculating”… Service Providers Improve TCO with Programmable Networks

Written by Ola Mabadeje, Marketing Manager “Recalculating”… “Recalculating”… was all I heard when I eventually turned on the GPS navigator with the latest navigation software. I had been stuck in traffic and then decided to take some backroads to my destination. I had initially tried to…

March 1, 2016


Delivering Cloud Services at Cloud Scale with Cloud Economics

Super Tuesday delivers DC switching portfolio innovations and acceleration of hybrid cloud Today is Super Tuesday, with fourteen states and territories hosting primary elections. Lots of media and preparation goes into this day. And we have a lot of news to share with you. We’ve been doubling down o…

The Programmable Network: Elastic Services

In our last blog on “Advanced Flow Control” we used the metaphor of a three-dimensional collection of intersecting highways of many different kinds with a wide array of vehicles carrying various types of passengers to represent the Internet of Everything­ (IoE).  The IoE concept has come a long way…