Analytics & Automation

Insight and Action from Data at the Edge

Data Storytellers: Each month we’ll be highlighting experts and advocates to share their data stories, knowledge, and insights into the future of data and analytics. Subscribe to the RSS feed to get the latest updates. Data is created fast and in the farthermost places, whether it is from Inte…

Data Value Chains: Making Data Dance for Your Business

We all deal with massive amounts of data in our day-to-day lives. Sometimes it may feel like we’re sinking under the weight of that avalanche. Meanwhile there is so much talk about Big Data, analytics and the Internet of Things, one wonders if there is more volume, velocity and variety in talking ab…

Innovation at the Edge: Navigating Distributed Environments and Beyond

I am pleased to share that Cisco’s Connected Streaming Analytics (CSA) is among the 15 leading vendors featured in Forrester’s recent survey on Big Data and Streaming Analytics. Forrester ranks Cisco as a strong performer in the market, noting Cisco as a solution with “sweet spots that differentiate…

Sustaining the Smart City

“Cisco Energy Management Suite is a key project in reducing energy costs across our 700-plus buildings, aiding our evolution into a smart city and making savings for reinvestment.” Andrew Mouat, Principle Officer Carbon Management, Glasgow City Council Glasgow, Scotland, leads the way in shaping a…

Win – Win: Enterprise-Grade Data Preparation for Business and IT

According to leading analyst firms, in the next two years, the majority of business analysts will be using data preparation tools to access, prepare and deliver data for analysis. Significant reductions in time and effort benefit the business. However, because these efforts often occur outside the d…

Are You SOAM Ready?

You probably did a double-take when you read the title and asked yourself, “What is SOAM?” Let me start by telling you what it is not. It is not service integration and management (SIAM), which emerged more than a decade ago to address the highly complex contract and governance processes introduced…

America’s Infrastructure Undergoes an Automation Makeover

Through the use of digital technologies and innovation, Cisco enables cities to become Smart+Connected Communities that help to improve its citizens’ quality of life. One particular urban locale that is helping to set a great example of this is right here in the United States. Kansas City, Missouri…

Data is Only Valuable if You Can Quickly Get to It

Data continues to explode and is becoming increasingly important to achieve business success.  Companies rely on their data to make them smarter, more productive, and better decision makers. Advances in data management, business intelligence and analytics have improved organizational performance, bu…

It’s Time to Talk Industry Collaboration, Not Just Data

“Location, location, location” is a classic mantra that comes to mind when buying property. Though I’m not a real estate power player, one thing I am fairly versed in is the Internet of Things (IoT), the billions of connected “things” within it and the enormous amount of data each is capable of prod…