Analytics & Automation
Edge Out the Competition
The ability to analyze and act on data is more important now than ever as digital business is rewriting the rules of competition. To stay ahead, it’s more than the ability to react quickly. It’s the ability to respond strategically, supported by data-driven decisions in the moment. Yet, as the world…
Back to the Future with Data & Analytics
Data Storytellers: Each month we’ll be highlighting experts and advocates to share their data stories, knowledge, and insights into the future of data and analytics. Subscribe to the RSS feed to get the latest updates. Analytics today faces many challenges and opportunities, making the journey…
Abundance: A Different Way of Thinking about Technology
There are two mindsets in business – one of scarcity and the other of abundance. A scarcity mindset believes much, if not everything, is limited. A business with a scarcity mindset holds everything close to the vest and is uncomfortable or unwilling to do business beyond its own walls. The thinking…
Is Now the Time to Adopt Data Preparation? Analysts Say Yes!
In just three short years, self-service data preparation has gone from a nascent concept into what one IT analyst firm called the “Next Big Market Disruption” at their recent BI and Analytics conference. Benefits to Data Preparation Adopters Are Significant A myriad of benefits are driving this acc…
Petals of Data Can Move a Country
Recently I talked about the dance of the decade for IT and broader industries, in which we use a value-chain approach to sense and act on data in order to turn insights into transformative value for your business. If businesses can create value that way, would it be a stretch for governments to make…
Announcing a First of a Kind Technology Combining IBM’s Watson IoT Cognitive Computing and Cisco’s Edge Analytics
It is an exciting day for Cisco and IBM; as it marks the next step in our long-term strategic relationship. I’ve blogged recently about the importance of industry collaboration. Within the vast world of technology, there isn’t one vendor who can address all challenges with a single product. This is…
Need Help Putting your Data and Analytics Puzzle Together?
We all know data and analytics are important. Once something used only by a handful of large, data-intensive organizations, it has now evolved to be a factor critical to success in every organization today. But are you on top of your game when it comes to how data and analytics really work? Do you…
Network Security is Not Child’s Play
Do you remember the childhood game Gossip? Maybe you played it. A secret message is whispered from one person to the next until it reaches the last person who says out loud what they believed they heard. Whether by an honest misunderstanding or intentional sabotage, often the end message is nothing…
Software products or application platforms, do I have to choose?
This is the final post in a series that has been focused on providing different ways to think about the job of a modern day software technology architect. The series began with the idea of defining an architecture that blends physical and digital worlds, taking more of an omni-channel approach. The…