Analytics & Automation

January 23, 2017


How Do We Know If We Are Ready for Data Virtualization?

Since helping launch the data virtualization market in 2006, I have interacted with thousands of organizations. A common question across these conversations is “How do we know if we are ready for data virtualization?” What these organizations are really asking is: “When do we know if our existing da…

January 4, 2017


Our Data Journey to Serve Children in Poverty and Double Our Impact

Like many organizations, Compassion International, has dozens of data sources and thousands of data consumers eager to get answers to their business questions. The difference with Compassion International is that good data directly impacts how well we serve children in poverty around the world. Comp…

September 18, 2016


Flooded with Data. Striving for Data-driven Decisions.

As businesses embrace data-driven decision making, it’s no longer enough to simply collect the data.  In fact, there is so much data, that instead of enabling decision making, it can sometimes do the opposite. In a recent article, CEOs Must Up Level Their Digital-Decisions Skills, Thorton May highli…

Getting So Much Better All the Time – Announcing Cisco Data Virtualization Release 7.0.4

The fourth song on the iconic album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, is Getting Better with Sir Paul McCartney the lead on the memorable refrain: “I’ve got to admit it’s getting better A little better all the time I have to admit it’s getting better It’s getting…

How to Get Your Piece of the $430B Analytics Pie

According to IDC, by 2020, organizations able to analyze all relevant data and deliver actionable information will achieve an extra $430 billion in productivity benefits over their less analytically oriented peers. You’ll notice, IDC’s statement doesn’t say some data. Or a few pieces of data. It say…

How Paris Improves Building Efficiency to Become a Smart City

Data Storytellers: Each month we’ll be highlighting experts and advocates to share their data stories, knowledge, and insights into the future of data and analytics. Subscribe to the RSS feed to get the latest updates. The emergence of smart cities holds great promise for the economy and the c…

You Need a Data Preparation Buyer Strategy

With all that has been written and said about data preparation, you are probably convinced your enterprise is ready to take advantage of its ability to rapidly transform inconsistent, incomplete, and inaccurate data into the clean, complete and ready-to-use data that your analytics require. This cle…

ServiceGrid Smart Bonding is Just Plain Smart

If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time you’d know that I frequently share my thoughts and insights about multisourcing and service integration. Often I discuss Cisco ServiceGrid, our flagship integration platform in the cloud that enables multiparty service collaboration. ServiceGrid is a…

Workload Automation Makes Business Better

Technology changes like the weather – often. Today’s IT environment is ever evolving and vastly different than it was just five years ago. Data and analytics dominate the conversation and everybody is still trying to figure out how best to leverage their data with approaches to better serve the busi…