Analytics & Automation

January 14, 2016


Welcome to Data Virtualization’s New Frontier

Where We’ve Been When Judith Davis and I co-authored Data Virtualization: Going Beyond Traditional Data Integration to Achieve Business Agility in 2011, we identified the five most popular Data Virtualization usage patterns at that time. “Data virtualization is a versatile data integration solution…

January 13, 2016


Digital Transformation Revolutionizes Manufacturing Operations

Since the late 18th century, innovations have fueled modernization in industrial engineering, management and processes that have shaped manufacturing businesses we know today. From manual tasks’ mechanization through moving assembly lines and mass production systems, industrial revolutions resulted…

January 11, 2016


Announcing Data Virtualization Release; Increased Support for Cloud, SaaS and Social Media Data Sources

Cisco continues to make significant investments in our Data and Analytics offerings, including our industry-leading Data Virtualization software. The latest release of the Cisco Information Server, version 7.0.3, reflects the healthy collaboration that we have with our valued customers, and our tale…

January 6, 2016


Transform the Digital Experience from Free Wi-Fi to Interactive Mobile Experiences

Having grown up in Denver, I’m a big fan of the Denver Broncos. Although I currently live in San Diego, I really enjoy the opportunity to see at game at Mile High Stadium any chance I get.  Sure, I could always upgrade my TV services to include a NFL package or subscribe to the Bronco’s fan club for…

January 5, 2016


The Business Drivers of Hyper-distributed Computing

It would be easy to say that the primary drivers behind hyper-distributed computing are social, mobile, analytics, cloud and security (SMACS). While it is true that these approaches are influencing or enabling hyper-distributed computing, they are not the business drivers. SMACS technologies are nec…

December 17, 2015


Drowning in Data: Data Preparation to the Rescue

Everyone knows that data is important. Modern enterprises compete with data and win with the agility and insight it provides. Thus the “Big Data Era” as metaphorically captured by terms such at Data Lakes, Data Reservoirs, Data Swamps, Data Streams and myriad others that attempt to describe the pool…

December 16, 2015


Trends for Data & Analytics

One of my favorite things to do is to talk to Cisco customers, partners and industry analysts about common trends they are seeing in their business and the overall market. We look at trends similarly to why we conduct analytics, not only to see what is happening now but to also help predict what wil…

December 15, 2015


4 Reasons Network Architects Need Hyper-Distributed Computing

It’s an exciting time for those of us in IT as the business and technology news is dominated by stories of innovation and disruption in industries that seemed to be succeeding in a closed business ecosystem with a sensible and securely controlled computing environment. Think of apps that completely…

December 15, 2015


Succeeding in the Age of Digital Disruption & Complexity

This year, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC), 3rd Platform technologies (i.e. cloud, analytics, mobility, social) have been responsible for one-third of all IT spending and account for virtually 100% of all IT spending growth. As more enterprises engage in digitally collaborative…