Analytics & Automation

December 10, 2015


The Data and Analytics Year in Review

What an exciting year for data and analytics! As I think back on our 2015 accomplishments and also think about some of the predictions that were made for the year, I’m confident that Cisco data and analytics is right on track for doing big things in the future. Here are some of the 2015 major highli…

December 7, 2015


The Digital Manufacturing Landscape and the Path Forward.

Any discussion on digital transformation and IoT leads to the fundamental question – “What are the possibilities and impacts in my industry?” The manufacturing industry has been dealing with this question for the last 50 years and in fact, has been an early adopter of technology to enable transforma…

December 7, 2015


Energy Management Savings Not Just for Large Enterprises

In all my years as an IT professional, I’ve witnessed a lot of deals and collaborations between companies. But, it wasn’t until I joined Cisco Energy Management that I saw a partnership with a hippo. Did that get your attention? I hope so. The truth is Cisco Energy Management did partner with a hipp…

December 1, 2015


Service-Oriented Everything and Digitization of Your Business

The next big phase of the Internet is the race toward digitization, which brings together people, processes, data, and things in new, more productive ways. In this emerging hyper-distributed digital world, connectivity is even more vital than ever before. Companies that are going to thrive and reali…

November 30, 2015


Data Preparation Plus Data Governance Equals Better Analysis

Widespread adoption of self-service visualization and analysis tools like Tableau, Qlik and Spotfire, along with the acceleration of big data adoption, are driving increased demand for data preparation. This new data preparation trend is so pervasive that at Gartner’s BI and Analytics Summits, Gartn…

November 19, 2015


Cisco Analytics and Automation Software Shapes Digital Transformation

Imagine a future where data, processes and people are all digitally connected to provide real-time insights that change the user experience for the better. No need to wait. You can experience that future today. Forward looking businesses today are transforming themselves into digital enterprises. Th…

November 17, 2015


Improving Energy Management Globally

“The potential is there, the benefits are ready to be realised, and the imperative to act is clear; energy efficiency is poised to be a key component of global inclusive growth along the transition to a sustainable energy system.” Faith Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)1…

November 16, 2015


Digital Transformation, Analytics, Big Data, Data Virtualization and More at the 2015 Data and Analytics Conference

The inaugural Data and Analytics Conference last month was, in my opinion, the best conference of the year. The brightest minds in the industry gathered for two days in Chicago to discuss the latest trends and new solutions for big data, the Internet of Things, cloud, analytics, digital transformati…

November 5, 2015


Enhancing Hyper-Distributed Analytics

Today Cisco completed its acquisition of ParStream, a company that has created a specialized database built for the Internet of Things (IoT). In hyper distributed data environments, massive amounts of data are being created and in a very distributed way. Many examples of this can be found in the IoT…