Energy Management Savings Not Just for Large Enterprises
In all my years as an IT professional, I’ve witnessed a lot of deals and collaborations between companies. But, it wasn’t until I joined Cisco Energy Management that I saw a partnership with a hippo. Did that get your attention? I hope so. The truth is Cisco Energy Management did partner with a hipp…
Improving Energy Management Globally
“The potential is there, the benefits are ready to be realised, and the imperative to act is clear; energy efficiency is poised to be a key component of global inclusive growth along the transition to a sustainable energy system.” Faith Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)1…
Energy Management Pays Off for Hammond School District
“Cisco Energy Management has given us a great deal of visibility into our energy consumption and usage patterns and has shown us that energy management can be done easily and seamlessly to deliver a significant return on investment in both reducing our carbon footprint and cutting costs.” Mark Henne…
Cisco Customers can now manage energy consumption of IP connected devices at no charge with Cisco EnergyWise Fast-Start …
Be it tax-credits/subsidies in different parts of the world or the recent news of California setting up a carbon trading exchange – no week passes by without the mention of “the importance of saving energy” or “reducing greenhouse gases”. Yet, with the explosion of technology and IP-connected device…