Wireless and Mobility

July 16, 2013


Partnering with Apple on BYOD and Great User Experience

Mobility extends beyond devices. Yet, having the right devices and choice of devices allows us to work the way we’d like. In fact, Cisco is one of the world’s largest enterprise users of Apple products. Employees have purchased 33,000 iPhones and 16,000 iPads as part of Cisco’s BYOD program, and alm…

July 12, 2013


Wireless Controller Redundancy with No Client Reauthentication Needed

Last fall, I blogged about No SSID Outage or Access Point Stateful Switchover introduced with the AireOS 7.3 release whereby if your wireless LAN Controller fails due to some hardware failure, thousands of Access Points fail over sub-second to the standby controller! This is possible due to continuo…

July 12, 2013


More on Cisco’s Connected Mobile Experiences in Nice, France

Last month I wrote about the Connected Mobile Experiences deployment in Nice. One of the most interesting things I saw at the iCity launch in Nice was a real cool application that can leverage the power of Cisco’s Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) solution to deliver very unique and exciting…

July 11, 2013


Enterprise Apps: The Next Wave in Mobile Transactions

Earlier this year, I was having a business dinner with an important client in London when I received an IM on my iPhone. The message was from a Cisco colleague, and it said, “I need you to approve a purchase order. Right now.” So I stepped away from the table, launched an app on my iPhone, read the…

July 10, 2013


The Next Big Innovation Cycle for Hoteliers

Remember the time when we were trying to figure out exactly what the Internet was? Web pages and dot coms didn’t make complete sense. Wow, how times have changed. Today, our world revolves around the Internet. Most of us connect every day. And now, we are doing more than just connecting. Our team re…

July 10, 2013


Cisco Hacks: Notes from the CMX Hackathon

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by two Wireless Networking Group interns, Nonie Grewal and Nivedita Jagdale, to capture their thoughts on the Connected Mobile Experiences Hackathon that they helped plan and execute. June 29th marked the start of the Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) Hacka…

July 9, 2013


802.11ac in the Healthcare Industry

Live Webinar on 802.11ac in Healthcare July 16, 10am | Register Now With any new wireless technology, much of what is initially written in the first year is usually focused around the bits and bytes and the speeds and feeds of the technology. This is true for 802.11ac where any Google search will y…

July 5, 2013


Cisco’s Connected Mobile Experiences at Cisco Live Orlando 2013

Orlando 2013 being Cisco Live’s largest event yet with over 20000 delegates was where CMX was shown to be a very key part of Cisco’s strategic business solutions offering and was shown right throughout the show from Key note addresses to booth demos, to focussed presentations to whisper…

July 3, 2013


[Cartoon Catalyst Blog Series] Why deploy Pervasive Wireless for K-12. Who’s doing it and how.

Is there anything more annoying than a frozen screen?  Imagine a teacher or student trying to utilize wireless technology on campus only to be let down by slow or spotty wireless coverage. School districts cannot leverage a wireless network with performance issues.  Hot spots are no longer good enou…