Shaun Kirby
Feb. 2: NRF16 Wrap Up at Live CiscoChat
Retail’s Big Show offers ideas and insights into the ever-changing industry of retail. This year’s NRF 2016 drew a large and influential group of the most innovative retail leaders. Throughout the show, these leaders held extensive one-on-one conversations and hosted general sessions by some of the…
Presenting a Roadmap for Digital Transformation at NRF 2016
Life in the Digital Vortex is challenging—especially for retailers. In an environment where averaged across industries four of the top 10 incumbents will be displaced by digital disruption in the next five years, retail ranks as the third most vulnerable out of 12. Retailers are also being squeezed…
It’s Time for Dinner: Improving the Quality of Our Food with the Internet of Everything
It’s almost the holiday season and it’s time for your customers to host that special dinner party, where they can make memories and share stories with loved ones. What if they could also share the story of where that holiday meal came from? This is now possible using the power of the Internet of Eve…
The Next Step in Your Store Analytics Strategy: Sensor Fusion
Retail has entered an era of unprecedented competition and accelerated evolution worldwide. Retailers in every category, both brick-and-mortar and online, face larger and more unpredictable threats than ever before, from digitization of goods and distributed manufacturing to autonomous, near-instant…
2015 Predictions: The highest-impact IoE advancements in Retail
Co-Authored by: Shaun Kirby, CTO, Cisco Consulting Services The IoE promises to revolutionize industries by providing access to a wealth of previously hidden information obtained from a myriad of new connected sensors fused intelligently by novel real-time analytics. Retailers have seen early succes…