3 Reasons 10 Million Is A Big Number
10 Million is a big number. How big? To put it in perspective, 10 million minutes is a bit over 19 years…Which is about 15 years longer than it took the Nexus 3000 to reach 10 million ports sold. Said differently, the Nexus 3000 is the Top of Rack switch of choice for lots of customers. Indee…
Enabling DevOps Approach with Cisco NX-OS and Ansible
I blogged back in November 2015 when Cisco participated at the AnsibleFest in San Francisco and the response from the attendees has ranged from “wow you support Ansible” to “how does it work and show me use case.” Regardless of where you are in your expertise as a DevOps or network IT admin, I highl…
CCIE : ITD and RISE in CCIE Data Center
ITD and RISE are now part of CCIE Data Center: Intelligent Traffic Director (ITD) is a hardware based multi-terabit layer 4 load-balancing, traffic steering and services insertion solution on the…
Network Automation for DevOps
This is our third episode for what I have personally termed the ‘NX-OS’ exposed series. The first two have been about programmability. Exploring the exposed interfaces, Object Models, the NX Tool kit and more of the NX-API framework that enables DevOps teams to respond more quickly. [TWTV 176 …
Server Load balancing with NAT, using Nexus switches: ITD
Server load balancer (SLB) has become very common in network deployments, as the data & video traffic are expanding at rapid rate. There are various modes of SLB deployments today. Application load balancing with network address translation (NAT) has become a necessity for various benefits. Cisc…
Cisco @ Strata-Hadoop World Wrap-Up: If we can make it there, we’ll make it anywhere…
We made it…another successful Strata-Hadoop World show for Cisco’s Big Data & Analytics team. This year we had a few unique challenges – the Pope was leaving town when we arrived; then the UN General Assembly made traffic a bit more difficult than normal; finally towards week’s end the t…
Capitalizing on Your Evolved Programmable Network through Faster and More Efficient Cloud Services Delivery
SDN (Software Defined Networking) and NFV (Network Functions Virtualization) technologies are expected to help Service Providers gain new efficiencies and previously unimagined speed and agility in cloud services delivery so they can seize new business opportunities and achieve continued growth. Spe…
ITD: Load Balancing, Traffic Steering & Clustering using Nexus 5k/6k/7k/9k
Cisco Intelligent Traffic Director (ITD) is an innovative solution to bridge the performance gap between a multi-terabit switch and gigabit servers and appliances. It is a hardware based multi-terabit layer 4 load-balancing, traffic steering and clustering solution on the Nexus 5k/6k/7k/9k series of…
Open NX-OS featured on TechWiseTV
This is the first in a multi-part series where we cover ‘programmability’ for networking. The idea is to fully review the programming options now available inside the Nexus switches, (3000, 9000). This first episode covers new access with Linux tools, NX-API and more. Further shows will be diving…