ITD: Learn how to deploy ITD in 10 minutes
ITD (Intelligent Traffic Director) is being deployed by a large number of customers, and it is saving them massive CAPEX and OPEX, while providing unprecedented scale and high availability. Here is a 10 minute video that shows step by step ITD deployment. ITD is shipping on Nexus 9k/7700/7k/…
ITD and RISE: New innovations at Cisco Live San Diego
ITD (Intelligent Traffic Director) and RISE (Remote Integrated Services Engine) have been helping Cisco partners and customers save massively on CAPEX and OPEX, while providing unprecedented scalability, high availability and ease and deployment. We had several events at Cisco Live San Diego 2015:…
ITD: Winner of the Best of Interop 2015
When the Best of Interop 2015 award winners were announced at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, the ITD team members couldn’t control their emotions. This team is well known to work in a startup-mode — comes up with new ideas, builds a prototype, demonstrates it to the exe…
Interop 2015 : ITD is Best of Interop finalist
ITD (Intelligent Traffic Director) has been selected in Top 3 finalists in the Best of Interop 2015 Data Center category. ITD Delivers: $2 Billion TAM disruptive technology: This technology innovation disrupts today’s $2 Billion TAM for load-balancers, redirection and clustering solutions 10…
Cisco ITD is Best of Interop 2015 Finalist
Transforming Cisco switches into highly scalable zero latency load balancers! Cisco Intelligent Traffic Director (ITD) does exactly that and much more! Cisco ITD has been selected as Best of Interop 2015 finalist in the Data Center Category. Finalists were chosen from nine categories including Data…
No Latency Load Balancer in Data Centers
Cisco Intelligent Traffic Director (ITD) is a zero latency multi-terabit layer 4 load-balancer available on 5k/6k/7k/9k. It has support for traffic steering and clustering solution on the Nexus series of switches. ITD allows customers to deploy servers and appliances from any vendor with no network…
VXLAN/EVPN: Standards based Overlay with Control-Plane
Given the tremendous interest in VXLAN with MP-BGP based EVPN Control-Plane (short EVPN) at Cisco Live in Milan, I decided to write a “short” technology brief blog post on this topic. VXLAN (IETF RFC7348) has been designed to solve specific problems faced with Classical Ethernet for a fe…
IT Automation Eases the Cost of Doing Business
The increasing pace of business is creating high demand for IT efficiency and speed. IT directly affects your ability to respond correctly and quickly to new opportunities. Slow IT equates to slow business. The latest release of Cisco UCS Director allows IT to automate the deployment of infrastruct…
Capture New Business Opportunity with Effective Automation
The connections between your business success and data center efficiency have never been clearer or stronger. Delivering data center resources quickly to capitalize on new business opportunities or projects is a major factor for business success. The only way to expedite resource delivery is by repl…