

ITD (Intelligent Traffic Director) has been selected in Top 3 finalists in the Best of Interop 2015 Data Center category. ITD Delivers:

  • $2 Billion TAM disruptive technology: This technology innovation disrupts today’s $2 Billion TAM for load-balancers, redirection and clustering solutions
  • 100x Scale improvement: The high-end load-balancers today can handle about 200Gbps traffic. ITD can load-balance 20Tbps traffic.
  • 1000x cost-savings for customers: A 40Gbps L4 load-balancer costs about $200k to customers. ITD provides multi-Tbps load-balancing for a fraction of the price.
  • Zero Latency: ITD performs load-balancing, redirection, NAT and access control, all in one-clock cycle in hardware, hence it introduces zero latency.
  • 10x OPEX savings : Order of magnitude reduction in configuration, and ease of deployment
  • Overall CAPEX savings : Wiring, Power, Rackspace and Cost savings
  • 70+ customers interested in deploying within 1 month of shipping.
  • 10x High availability : N + M redundancy, health-monitoring and automatic failure handling
  • $15 Billion install-base can be leveraged: The technology has humongous market capture potential. It works on existing hardware. $15 Billion install-base of Nexus switches is able to use this technology.
  • 30+ patentable ideas: ITD has unprecedented innovations.

Cisco ITD (Intelligent Traffic Director) is a hardware based multi-Tbps Layer 4 load balancing, traffic steering and clustering solution on Nexus 9K/7K/6K/5K series of switches. It supports IP-stickiness, resiliency, NAT, (EFT), VIP, health monitoring, sophisticated failure handling policies, N+M redundancy, IPv4, IPv6, VRF, weighted load-balancing, bi-directional flow-coherency, and IPSLA probes including DNS. There is no service module or external appliance needed.


ITD has a lot of different types of use-cases. Some of these are:

  1. Create a multi-Tbps Firewall
  2. Create a multi-Tbps Video-cache
  3. Firewall/IPS/IDS/WAF load-balancing.
  4. Web Server load-balancing
  5. Application server load-balancing
  6. Replace WCCP. Redirect and Load-balancing traffic to Web-cache, WAAS, WAE
  7. Traffic steering to VDS/video-cache/Professional Media Network devices
  8. Load-balance to Hadoop/Big-data cluster.
  9. load-balancing to mobile equipment
  10. Load-balancing to Layer 7 load-balancers
  11. Replace legacy features such as ECMP, port-channel, PBR, etc

Recording of the presentation