
May 23, 2017


Data Center High Availability Redefined

The recent mega-outage in Amazon Web Services (AWS) knocked off a plethora of websites as well as various applications, security cameras, IoT gears etc. Cloud outages such as these have a huge impact on a global scale. With the rapid adoption of the cloud over the last few years, data centers are ex…

May 16, 2017


WannaCry Type Ransomware a Growing Threat: 5 Easy Steps to Protect Your Agency

It all started harmlessly enough. A pleasant sounding ping on her phone and a quick check of her email. But it then quickly descended into a weekend of worry. For people in both the public and private sector, cyber attack has become a potentially life-altering and seemingly unstoppable threat that i…

Orchestrated Assurance: What is it and why do I need it?

Service Providers aim to deliver network services faster with assured customer quality.  But, as networks are becoming increasingly software-defined and programmable, the rate at which they change is also rising, driven by network-on-demand offerings and self-service portals. In this dynamic environ…

Cisco’s 3-Phase Plan for your 5G success

It is generally accepted that revenues for mobile service providers are trending flat to down. A recent ARPU report from Informa provides this picture in detail by country. Some mobile service providers have acquired content services as a way to boost this trend, but they admit that this too will ev…

April 5, 2017


New Addition to Cisco SMB Switch Family

This month, we made another big step in completing our full vision of next generation SMB switches. The Cisco Small Business Team is pleased to announce 19 new models in the successful 550X and 350X series switching product line. These new models provide Gigabit or Fast Ethernet with 10-Gigabit upli…

#CiscoChat Recap: Is Your Network Behind the Digital Curve?

In our era of digital revolution, speed is the name of the game. From the rapid release of innovative products, solutions, and ideas to the constant emergence of new business possibilities, things are moving fast. Staying competitive in today’s marketplace means always being ready to seize opportuni…

Why Companies Need an Expert Guide to Drive Their Digital Transformation

The world is becoming more digital at an unprecedented pace. We are blessed to be living in one of the biggest inflection points not only in the business world but also in human history. Companies with digital-ready networks today are growing revenue, profits and customer retention 2 to 3 times more…

March 27, 2017


March 30 #CiscoChat: Keeping a Competitive Wireless Network from the Enterprise to Small Business

We live in a mobile-oriented era. Between our work lives and our lives as consumers, we are connected to the internet constantly. For businesses ranging from large enterprise all the way down to the SMB level, this means more devices, more applications, and higher bandwidth demands. As companies see…

Cisco NSO Shines in First ETSI NFV Interoperability Plugtest

Interoperability standards have posed an elusive challenge for the NFV industry. Cisco recently participated in ETSI’s first Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Interoperability Plugtest, held in Madrid, Spain, between January 23 and February 3, 2017 with great success, further validating Cisco N…