So Many Smartphones and Tablets! It’s Time You Get On Board the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Train
Here are tips to help you adopt and support mobility for your small and midsized business. Did you know, 42 percent of employees who own smartphones use them for work? In addition, 8 percent of Internet web based transactions and activities are conducted from a mobile device. The new BYOD trend has…
Cisco NRF 2013 – Two New Mobility Solutions Video Demonstrations
We’ve posted two new videos of the mobility solutions that we showcased in the Cisco booth at NRF 2013. Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences – Deliver personalized, highly targeted mobile services to consumers to optimize the customer experience and enhance store profits Cisco BYOD Smart Soluti…
Cisco VNI Mobile Data Forecast Update (2012 – 2017): Major Milestones and Shifts Revealed in 2013 Study
Today, Cisco released its latest Visual Networking Index (VNI) Mobile Forecast, 2012-2017. This annual study provides lots of interesting data, new growth projections, and our perspectives on key trends that are shaping the future of mobile networks and user behavior. While many ardent forecast afic…
From Cisco Live London: Architecture updates posted here all week…
I am sitting and reflecting here at the start of Cisco Live London. As I walk the halls, I continue to be amazed by the size, depth, and breadth of this event. Networking continues to grow, and thousands of people are eager to come together to see the latest.…
Reshaping the Manufacturing Industry Perception to Attract the Next Generation
In a time when the manufacturing industry is in dire need of new employees as more and more baby boomers move to retire, I find it interesting that more than 50 percent of 2011 college graduates are either jobless or underemployed (AP Report). To me the numbers don’t add up. Sure, at first glance, i…
Telepresence and the Treadmill: This Is Not Your Father’s Office
Cisco’s been ahead of the curve for years when it comes to technology and flexibility in the workplace, now the company is taking it to a new level when it comes to connected workspaces. Just step into Building Eight on Cisco’s main campus in San Jose and you’ll see what we mean. You’ll be greeted b…
Cisco’s New SMB Business Portfolio – Essential Tools for Secure Productivity
A key trait of innovative small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) is agility– making decisions quickly, shifting direction with a customer, and swiftly working out the details with colleagues. But at the end of the day, what it all comes down to is having the right technology—to enable responsivene…
Cisco Announces Intent to Acquire Intucell
Today, I am pleased to announce Cisco’s intent to acquire Intucell, a privately held company headquartered in Ra’anana, Israel for $475 million in cash and employee retention incentives. Intucell provides software platforms for Self-Optimized Network (SON) that support mobile carrier networks worldw…
Join Cisco at Mobile World Congress 2013
Last week, CES kicked off an exciting 2013 for the industry and Cisco. With just a select few of our innovations modeled in our video and SP/ mobile demos our customers, partners and press expressed great interest in our approach to helping carriers monetize these connected experiences. During the…