Internet of Things

January 24, 2017


Drones: Losing Altitude or Gaining Control

A recent episode of CBS 60-minutes highlighted the U.S. military’s research and development around drone swarms and mission-centric self-converging fleets. Seeing these futuristic maneuvers of tiny drones, many of us might wonder about the future of commercial drones in year 2017 and beyond. If we l…

January 23, 2017


Welcome to the OT World

It may have come to you in an email or perhaps during a 1:1 with your boss but either way the news probably caught you by surprise. You will be taking your security skills to the industrial side of the house. Congratulations! And good luck – you are going to need it. Much of what you have learned an…

January 19, 2017


The Path to IoT Starts with One Small Step

As we look to the future, it’s easy to imagine how the Internet of Things (IoT) might transform the world. But it would be a mistake to try to start with a huge world-transforming implementation. As I’ve already discussed in my recipe for IoT success, IoT is a multi-year journey, not a one-time even…

January 11, 2017


Technology and Business Process: Two Sides of the Same IoT Coin

When people talk about the Internet of Things (IoT), they’re often thinking about the cool new technologies involved—nano-sensors, micro-cameras, cloud computing, machine learning, analytics, blockchain, or even drones and autonomous vehicles. But as it turns out, if you try to implement IoT technol…

January 9, 2017


CES 2017 – Get Ready for a Smart New World

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) usually highlights important technology trends that could shape the future. This year, artificial intelligence (AI), the smart IoT sensors that fuel it, and increasingly powerful and seamless human machine interfaces (HMIs) topped the list for me. On the AI front,…

January 4, 2017


Road Trip to Transformation: It’s a Journey, Not a Destination

People often talk about deploying the Internet of Things (IoT) as if it’s a discrete project—something you do once, and then you move on to the next thing.  Nothing could be further from the truth. IoT is a multi-year journey, not a one-time event. IoT is not just about implementing IoT technology,…

December 8, 2016


Pursue Real IoT Solutions, not Big White Whales

The search for the “next big thing” in technology has almost taken on mythic proportions. Just as Captain Ahab became obsessed with his pursuit of the elusive white whale in Moby Dick, it’s easy to get caught up in pursuing big solutions and big technology. But that is not necessarily the path to su…

December 7, 2016


OpenFog Consortium: It’s Been a Very Good Year

Fog computing is gaining traction across industries and academia, and across the world.  In just one year, the OpenFog Consortium has grown from six founding members to 53 members in 15 countries—and still counting! But it’s not just this flood of interest that is impressive—it’s the work our member…

December 1, 2016


The New Digital Deal: How retailers are transforming online shopping experiences and transactions

I need to preface this blog with a full disclosure statement. I love shopping! And apparently I am not alone in my affinity for all things retail. Let’s face it, many people enjoy the thrill of acquiring a new “bright shiny thing” or the high of getting a deal on something you need. However, the inc…