Smart Decisions Make Smart Cities
Digital transformation is about technology. But, when it comes to creating sustainable smart cities, it is important to understand uniqueness, what makes the community tick and keeps people happily and proudly living there. Through the secure connectivity of digital transformation, cities and commun…
#CiscoChat Recap — Why Are Businesses Turning to Collaboration as a Service?
Over the last decade, technology and digital transformation have entered our world and dramatically changed the way we work. While the days of in-person workplaces aren’t quite a thing of the past, remote and geographically-dispersed teams and workers are commonplace today. As this trend toward work…
Orchestrated Assurance: What is it and why do I need it?
Service Providers aim to deliver network services faster with assured customer quality. But, as networks are becoming increasingly software-defined and programmable, the rate at which they change is also rising, driven by network-on-demand offerings and self-service portals. In this dynamic environ…
Fishing for Value in a Digital World
In Cisco Services, we do both. Our engineers are on the leading edge of new capabilities – security, cloud, automation, you name it. With more than 50 million network installations, we have deeper insight into the network than anyone. That innovation and expertise is built in across our entire lifec…
How Cisco Digitally Transformed Its Workforce?
Digital transformation starts with people and an organizational culture that’s aligned toward a unified vision of business transformation. Creating a more virtual, collaborative, flexible, and productive workforce is very important to become a digital business. If you are going to attract and retain…
April 5 #CiscoChat Recap: How Can IoT Accelerate Digital Transformation?
From cloud computing to devices that allow us to take work anywhere, everywhere, right in our pockets, the last few years have seen some of the most redefining, technology-driven shakeups in the history of business. Now, IoT has taken the stage as the next big thing in digital transformation. How is…
#CiscoChat Recap: Is Your Network Behind the Digital Curve?
In our era of digital revolution, speed is the name of the game. From the rapid release of innovative products, solutions, and ideas to the constant emergence of new business possibilities, things are moving fast. Staying competitive in today’s marketplace means always being ready to seize opportuni…
Why Companies Need an Expert Guide to Drive Their Digital Transformation
The world is becoming more digital at an unprecedented pace. We are blessed to be living in one of the biggest inflection points not only in the business world but also in human history. Companies with digital-ready networks today are growing revenue, profits and customer retention 2 to 3 times more…
Cisco NSO Shines in First ETSI NFV Interoperability Plugtest
Interoperability standards have posed an elusive challenge for the NFV industry. Cisco recently participated in ETSI’s first Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Interoperability Plugtest, held in Madrid, Spain, between January 23 and February 3, 2017 with great success, further validating Cisco N…