
September 20, 2018


You Can’t Get the Collaboration Rainbow Without the Cloud

The movie Titanic swept the Oscars. Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls were NBA champions (again). Apple unveiled the iMac. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google. And I was a fresh-faced kid out of college, beginning my career as a consultant for an IT management consulting firm. The year was…

September 10, 2018


How a Service Mesh Helps Your Modern Applications – DevOps Series, Part 11

If you’re a developer working on your modern, microservices-based applications, you already have enough on your plate having to deal with your code. As we have discussed in previous posts: containers help you with packaging and dependencies; a scheduler helps scaling out your deployments and m…

September 10, 2018


Evolving Your Network with Cloud Native Technology

Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) is the most significant cable network architecture evolution of the last 20 years. Not since the introduction of digital fiber optic backbones and hybrid fiber coax (HFC) technology has there been such a dramatic architectural change. This is an exciting time fo…

September 7, 2018


The Promise of the Cisco Hybrid Cloud Platform for Google Cloud, Delivered

Many of today’s global enterprises are looking to service providers (SPs) for the infrastructure, platforms and services they need to help them innovate. We’re excited that the Cisco Hybrid Cloud Platform for Google Cloud is now shipping. With it, businesses can accelerate on-prem app modernization,…

September 3, 2018


Evolution of Cloud in Higher and Vocational Education

One of the most interesting aspects of my role at Cisco is understanding how cloud technology is being implemented across different industries. Cisco recently commissioned an independent consulting firm (Vector Consulting) to do a deep dive on how cloud was viewed and used by universities, TAFE coll…

August 31, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered, Episode 55: Cloud from a Data Center Guy’s Point of View, with Carlos Campos Torres

Have you noticed that when cloud people talk about cloud they (we) stick to a fairly narrow range of topics? Containers (for sure), Kubernetes, OpenStack, DevOps, culture change, big data, cloud native, serverless…and maybe a little AI/ML now and then to keep things spicy? Sure, we cover different a…

August 29, 2018


Cisco at AWS Summit Anaheim – Better Together…Again!

One more date, many new learnings from #AWSSummits. This time I’ll talk about AWS Summit in Anaheim. If you read my previous blog you’ll see that Cisco has taken a strong position on addressing the typical challenges that relate to adopting public cloud into your IT environment. These challenges are…

August 21, 2018


Cloud Developers are Using the Programmable Infrastructure to Open a World of Innovation and Business Transformation

In the past few years, we have seen a surge of advancement in cloud development. New platforms, developer tools, and cloud services have become available, and developers have responded by building innovative cloud-based applications, services, and businesses. In my opinion, we’ve only unleashed the…

August 9, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered, Episode 53: Tackling IT Modernization, with Robert Starmer

Of course you don’t feel like dealing with modernizing your IT organization. Who would? It sounds like a hideous task—especially if you’ve let it go for a while. There’s so much to think about, and it seems like more technologies and more variations of those technologies pile on every day until the…